#24 Do it like only James is around.

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I was home alone. The radio playing in the background. I closed my eyes.


Music was blasting through the speakers. “Here.” James said giving me my hairbrush.

“Um, does my hair look that terrible?” I asked him confused, but smiling.

“No, you and your hair look perfect. That.” He pointed to the brush. “Is your microphone.” I just started laughing. “Now let’s dance!” I started laughing so hard I was nearly crying. James was laughing too. We were having a great time, just goofing around. We were singing at the top of our lungs.

“Guitar solo!” I started playing air guitar and James cracked up. The song finished and we plopped down on the couch. I was laying in James’ arms. My back against his chest.

“How come you’re only like this when you’re alone with me?” He asks. I shrug a little.

“I don’t know, I guess.” I looked up at him. “You bring out the best in me.”

“Aww.” He leaned down and kissed me. “Still, I think you  shouldn’t be so afraid of what people might think of you. Sometimes you just shouldn’t mind the crowd, just think it’s the two of us and do it like nobody’s around. Sometimes you should just turn up the radio and lose control, throw your hands in the air and make it count. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing it wrong or right. Do the way you do it.”

“What if people don’t like me that way? I already get enough hate. I’m surprised you’re still sticking with me.”

“You have to be who you are, even if they hate that. I honestly don’t get why someone could hate you. Look at you, you’re perfect.” I laid my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him down for another kiss. “I love you.” He mumbled against my lips. Which caused me to smile into our kiss.

“I love you too.” I said when we broke apart.

-End of flashback.-

A slight smile was formed on my face. “Boo?” James called, it’s so adorable how he calls me boo.

“Couch!” I shouted back. He came towards me and just laid himself on top of me.

“Hey you.” He smiled, giving me a kiss. “What’cha doing?” His hand was on my waist, his thumb rubbing circles.



“Us.” I smile. “Remember when we used to dance and sing, like nobody’s around?” James nodded, smiling. “That’s what I was thinking about.”

“We can still do that, you know.” He reached behind me and turned up the radio. He stood up from the couch, well me, and stuck his hand out. I stayed put. “Don’t hesitate, get a little bit of rock and roll.” He grabbed my hand and jerked me off the couch. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and swayed his hips from left to right. He was so close to me that I couldn’t do anything else than dance with him. He started to sing at the top of his lungs. Darn his voice is beautiful. I closed my eyes and just listened to him. He brought his lips to my ear. “Sing with me.” He whispered.

“But I like to listen to you sing.” I pouted, even though he couldn't see me.

“I won’t sing unless you do.”

“Are you blackmailing me?”

“Maybe.” I could hear he was smirking.

“Then I guess, none of us will sing, and I know how much you love to sing.” I tried to sit back on the couch, but he pulled me close again. This time I was facing him and his face was really close.

“Please sing with me, boo.” He pleaded. I shook my head. He kissed me. “How about now?” Shook my head again. Another kiss. “Now?” Shook my head again. Kiss. “Now?” Shook my head.

“You do realize this only has an opposite effect, right?”

“Well then I won’t kiss you anymore.” I pouted. “And your adorable face isn’t gonna help. The only thing that will help is you singing with me.” I groaned a little.

“Fine.” I take my iPod and it played an instrumental version of ‘Like nobody’s around’ by James’ band Big Time Rush. Yes, James wrote that song for me. We sang the song together and it was lots of fun actually. “You happy now?” James nodded, smiling. My arms were around his neck by now and his were resting on my waist. I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him. It had been way to long.

“I love you, boo, don’t ever forget that.” He’s face was dead serious.

“I love you too, Jamie.” He leaned down for one more kiss.


This isn't so bad actually =)

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