#20 James is amazing (for chloe)

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Chloë's P.O.V.

It's been 2 months since me and my best friend, Joni, moved to L.A. together. And it is so awesome! We were about to go to a party because we still didn't know many people. I was doing my make-up. “Joni!" I shouted to the other room.

 "Yeah?" She shouted back.

 "You almost done?"

 "Almost!" I was finished by now and went over to her room. She was clearly not finished.

 "You know, you and Logan should never date." I told her.

 "What? Don't say such things! Logie and I are perfect for each other!" She tried to reason me.

"No because you would cause him to show up even later than he already does." I glanced at myself in the mirror one more time.

"To me that just shows we are meant to be." I laughed.

"You wanna do something with your hair?" I asked facing her.

"Nah, I already straightened it, Imma leave it like it is." She popped her lips after applying lip gloss. "Okay, I'm ready to go."

"Finally." I fake sighed. She nudged me. We took a cab to the party since we decided to drink and driving home isn't a good thing than.

A few hours had past. But the night was still young. I went to the bar to get something to drink.

"Can I have 4 beer please." A voice said. I knew that voice. I'd recognize it anywhere. I look to my left. OH. MY. GOD. That's James Maslow. He noticed me staring so I smiled, he smiled back. His smile is really to die for. "And something for the pretty lady too." He stepped closer to me. I blushed. The bartender asked me what I wanted and I ordered. "Hi, I'm James." He stuck his hand out. I giggled.

"I know." I took his hand. "I'm Chloë." Suddenly Joni popped up outa nowhere.

"Hey what's up? Wait. Wow. You're James Maslow." She poked his chest. Her eyes widened. "And you're real." She said in disbelieve. She wrapped her arms around him. "I love you." She sighed out. "Wait. You're here, with 4 beer cans, WHERE'S LOGAN?" James pointed behind him and Joni ran off.

"Sorry bout that, she had a little too much I guess. I'd better check on her, she's capable off kidnapping Logan." I apologized. James chuckled.

"I'll come with you." He took the beer and we walked away from the bar. We found Joni, with her hands around Logan’s neck, dancing. But he didn’t really seem to care ‘cause he was dancing along. James handed the beer to his band mates. “Seems like she’s having fun.” I nodded not taking my eyes off of them. “Hey, it’s getting kinda crowded in here, would you like to come outside with me?” Now I was facing James.

“Sure.” I smiled. We went outside. Since it was past midnight, it was chilly out, so I rubbed my arms to warm up a little.

“Are you cold?”

“A little.”

“Okay, wait here.” James ran over to a car which was apparently his and took something out he ran back to me and handed me a sweatshirt.

“Thanks.” I smiled. I put on the sweatshirt and we started walking.

“So tell me about yourself.”

“Um, I’m Chloë, I moved here together with my best friend, Joni, 2 months ago. I’m originally from Belgium. I love to sing and dance, even though I suck at it.”

“Bullshit, everyone can sing and dance. But go on.”

“I enjoy to write.”

“Write? What do you write?”

“Mostly…fanfics.” A smirk formed on James’ lips.

“So you like write stuff about me?”

“Yeah.” I admitted a little embarrassed. We were now at some park. The moon was shining bright.

“What kinda stuff  do you write about me?”

“Romantic stuff and also some drama, a good book always has some drama.”

“Interesting, so would you like it if anything from in those books became reality?” He smirked and took a step closer to me.

“I guess the romantic part would be nice.” I smiled. James started to lean in, I leaned in too. Our lips met halfway. The most amazing kiss in my life. “I should get going, I still need to call a cab and detach Joni from Logan.”

“I can give you a ride if you want to.” James offered.

 “I’d like that.” I smiled. We walked back to the club and searched for Joni, Logan, Kendall and Carlos. Joni and Logan were kissing. “Yup, she’s definitely having fun.” I said to James. He chuckled. He kissed me, we heard something explode and next thing we know were covered in confetti. James went to say bye to Kendall and Carlos. I tapped on Joni’s shoulder. “We have to go. So say bye to your Logiebear and come with me.”

“Aww, can’t he come with us?” They both gave me a puppy dog look. James was now standing next to me, his arm around my waist.

“James?” He shrugged meaning it’s okay. “Okay, fine, let’s go.” They both cheered.

I was in the kitchen preparing something to eat. James was watching T.V.. Yes he spend the night. He looked so tired I couldn’t let him drive all the way home. Don’t worry nothing happened. Except from a few more kisses. “Chloë, Chloë, Chloë!” Joni came running into the kitchen. I gave her a confused look. “What is Logan Henderson doing in my bed? Not that I don’t like it but what’s he doing in my bed?” that moment James came into the kitchen.

“Is everything okay in here?” He asked. Joni gasped.

“Did we kidnap half of Big Time Rush?” I chuckled.

“No we didn’t, they’re here because they want to be here.”

“You need some help with that, sweety?” James said pointing to the food.

“No it’s okay.” James kissed my cheek. Joni mouthed ‘sweety’ to me with a confused look. I just shrugged. Then Logan came in. He immediately wrapped his arms around Joni’s waist.

‘Morning beautiful.” He hid is head in her neck, clearly not awake yet. Joni mouthed ‘awesome’. I chuckled. She turned in his grip, kissed him and backed him up to go back upstairs.

“Behave!” I shouted after them.

“Can’t promise you that!” She shouted back. I shook my head. I served two plates for me and James. We ate what I had prepared.

“That was delicious.” James complimented and kissed me. “But not as delicious as that.” I blushed again. “You know, I never really believed in love, but then you came along.” And the blushing goes on. “You’re heart calling feels like confetti falling.”

“James, that actually happened.” I stated.

“Oooooh, it still feel like it. I know we only met a few hours ago but I…I think I’m in love. You looked so good in that dress, but even better in my sweatshirt, and every time we kiss  I wish it goes on forever. I even feel butterflies. It feels amazing.” I couldn’t do anything but kiss him.

“You’re amazing.” I whispered.


I'm doing a lot of requests lately ö Idc means people like my imagines =) which makes me feel really good.

yes I putted myself in this one, no I'm absolutely not like that in real live, not at all.

Choë ik hoop da ge het een beke goe vond, tis anders uitgedraaid dan dak eerst in mijn hoofd had ma bon, en sorry dak het ook een beke rond mij heb late draaie ma kon u toch ni alleen naar L.A. late vertrekke en alleen uitgaan is ook ni echt plezant xD

BTW: ^^ this ^^ is dutch; BELGIAN RUSHERS ALL THE WAY !!

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