#38 Beach day. (James for Caty.)

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"Babe! Could you come here for a sec!" I yell thoughout the whole house. I hear him stumble up the stairs and he enters the dressing. "What time are the guys going to be here?"

"Uh." He looks at his watch. "In about half an hour." I sigh loudly.

"I don't know which bikini to wear." I whine.

"How about you both try them on and show me." I playfully roll my eyes. "I was thinking I could help you undress too." I push him out of the huge closet and he falls down on the bed. I go back in the closet and put on the black bikini first. I go back to James and clear my troath. He shoots up from the bed. "Damn." He mumbles. I giggle at his reaction. I go put on the next bikini, a blue one. "Sexy, but what about the green one?" I shake my head.

"I'm not wearing the green one James."

"Why not?" He pouts.

"It's too...showy."

"I like showy." He gives me a seducive look.

"Of course you do." I chuckle. "If I'm wearing the green one, you're wearing a speedo."


"So black or blue?" He thinks for a sec.

"Blue." I throw on a summer dress and some slippers. I start to pack all the things we need for the beach. I hear a car horn honk. "The boys are here!" James screamed.

"I'm coming." I grab everything I need and go down the stairs. James stood at the door, waiting for me. I quickly kiss his cheek. "Let's go." I say walking through door. I put the stuff in the trunk and stepped in the car. "Hey guys." I greeted Logan and Joni, Logan's girlfriend (I love Logan, I can't help it xD). Carlos, Alexa, Kendall and Katelyn were in the second car. A few seconds later James got in the car too.

"Hey guys." James breaths out. He buckles up and takes my hand in his.

"Ready to go?" Logan asks. I scoot closer to James, so I was sitting in the middle and buckle up. He smiles down at me.

"Yep." I answer. It's a pretty long car ride to the beach and since it's still early I lay my head on James' shoulder and fall asleep. After about an hour I feel lips on mine.

"We're here baby." James whispers.

"I'm still not awake." I say signaling to James that I want another kiss. He chuckles but understands. He gives me a passionate kiss.

"Come on love birds! The ocean is waiting for us!" Logan screams and then runs towards the sand, hand in hand with Joni. We open our seatbelts and James picks me up bridal style carrying me towards the sand. He places me down on a beach towel.

"I'm gonna help get everything out of the car."

"I can help." I say attempting to get up.

"No, you stay here and relax." He pecks my lips and leaves. I take off my slippers and dress. A few minutes later everything was out of the car and all set up. James plops down next to me. I sit up. "May I?" He asks, shaking a sunscreen bottle.

"Of course." I pick up my hair and lay down on my stomach. He opens my bikini top cause it's easier to rub the cream on me. He massages my back and it feels so good. I love it when he's hands are all over me. He kisses my back softly but keeps on rubbing his hands across it. Suddenly I feel him rip my bikinitop from underneath me and he runs away. I lift my head.

"James David Maslow! Get back here!" I hear him laugh loudly.

"When you're ready come and get it, na na na!" He sings. I'm gonna kill that guy. I wrap a towel around me and hold it tight to my body, making sure it doesn't fall, as I run after him. I reach him and he holds tbe top in the air. "Jump for it." He teases. Damn why did I have to pick such a tall boyfriend. I hold my towel even tighter and jump for my top.

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