#37 Can't wait for a sunny day. (Carlos for Jennifer.)

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I screamed as Carlos was pushing my wheelchair throught the rain. I tried to cover myself with my coat. We finally reach the restaurant. "Good evening." The waiter greeted us. "Did you make a reservation?"

"Yes on the name of Pena." Carlos replied. The waiter nodded and looked in his book. He nodded and looked back up at us with a huge smile on his face. He took two menu's

"Follow me." He walked to the back of the restaurant and led us to the right table. I wheeled myself close to it and Carlos took a seat. The waiter handed us the menu's and left.

"So what would you like to eat sweetheart?" Carlos asked. We we're both looking at the menu.

"Um some ribs sound nice."

"See that's what I like about you."


"You eat what you want to eat, not worrying about getting messy or anything." I slightly smile.

"So what are you gonna get?"

"I'm in for some ribs too." We put down our menu's and the waiter aproched us.

"Have you made your choice?" He smiled.

"Yes." Carlos answered. "two times the honey glaced ribs and a bottle of your best wine please." The waiter nod and takes our menu's, leaving us alone. Carlos layes his hand on mine and smiles at me. I smile back. A few minutes later our food came. Let me just say that the ribs were a-ma-zing. We had a dessert and were about to go home.

"Carlos it's still raining." I whined.

"I guess we'll have to be fast." He pushed my chair running to the car. He helps me in and puts my chair in the trunk. We drive home. Carlos has been smiling the whole date. It's one of the many reasons why I love him. He's always happy. We arrive at home and Carlos take my chair back out of the trunk. He helps me back into my chair. I try to wheel myself back into the house as fast as I can. Carlos is still doing something in the car. Suddenly I get stuck in the mud.


"Yeah babe?"

"I'm stuck!" He rushed over to me.He tried to pull me out but he couldn't. I laughed as I saw him struggle. "Carlos?"


"I've always wanted to kiss you in the rain." He made his way to my front. He pushed my wet hair out of my face.  He kissed me softly. He took my hands in his.

"This isn't what I had planned but I can't wait for a sunny day. It was not supposed to rain today, we were supposed to walk to the restaurant, but I'm not letting me stop that from asking you this. Jenny, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You're the one I want to have kids with and grow old with. Our fairy tail is anything but ordinary but that's just the way I want it. Jennifer, will you marry me?" He pulled out a velvet box with a diamond ring.

"Yes!" I choke out. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionatly. He picked my up bridal style and carried me inside, finally getting out of the rain. He placed me down on the couch. He kneeled down in front of me.

"i almost forgot." He placed the ring on my finger.

"I love you Los." He kissed me.

"I love you too Jenny." He smiled widely. "I'm gonna get your chair out of the rain." I nodded and he ran outside. I stared at the ring, it's so beautiful. A few minutes later Carlos plopped down next to me. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"You know what I'd really like right now?" I could feel him shake his head. "A hot bath."

"Can I join?"

"Sure you can, fiancé." I looked up and kissed him.


Cute Carlitos on the side =)

Jenny, sorry you had to wait so long =/ and sorry I didn't make it a Kendall one =/ I hope you still like it though =)

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