#27 Finally Falling (Logan and James for Aleena)

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After touring for 3 months I'm finally back in L.A.. I'm so stoked to see my boyfriend, Logan, again. He doesn't know I'm coming back today and I want to surprise him, so I called my best friend, James, to come and pick me up at the airport. "Hey James. Are you here yet?"

"Just 5 more minutes."

"Perfect." I smile eventhough he can't see me. I leave the gate and start to scan the crowd. James isn't here yet. I sit down on one of those benches and think about Logan. I've missed him so much, I can't wait to feel his soft lips back on mine. I wonder how he'll react.

"Hey, why the sad face?" I suddenly hear someone say. I look up to meet some beautiful hazel brown eyes. An instant smile appears on my face.

"James!" I quickly stand up and wrap my arms around his neck. He hugs me back. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." I released him.

"Now let's go see Logan." The smile on my face grew even bigger, as the one on James' face grew smaller. "Something wrong?"

"Nope, everythings great, let's go see your boyfriend." He smiled again, but I could tell it was fake. What's going on? James picked up most of my bags and we went to my and Logan's place.

"You still wanna come inside?" I asked as we arrived.

"Nah, I'm good, you and Logan haven't seen eachother in 3 months, I don't need to see all of that." I giggle a little bit.

"Okay, thanks for picking me up and dropping me off." I hug him.

"My pleasure." He smiled that amazing smile of his and I got off the car. I grabbed all my bags and went to the front door. I waved James goodbye and waited from him to be completely gone. I went inside and dropped my bags in the hallway.

"Logie I'm...home." My voice dropped as I saw what was going on in the living room. On the couch was Logan, making out with another girl. "So that's what you've been doing while I was gone?" My voice got high pitched.

"No, no, no, baby it's not what you think."

"Oh so you weren't just making out with her." I say pointing to the girl. I left him speechless. "That's what I thought." I started to make my way to the door.

"Aleena, wait!" I turn around frustrated. All I wanna do is go outside and cry. "Please don't leave me."

"Well what do you expect me to do?" Once again I left him speechless. "Bye Logan." And with those words I left, taking the bags that were in the hall with me. I jumped into my car and drove to James'. Tears were floating by now. I banged on his door to get all of the rage out of me but when James opened the door I broke down.

"Aleena, what happened?" I could hear the concern in his voice.

"It's...It's...Logan." Is all I managed to say.

"What about him? What did he do?"

"Girl...on the couch." I cried.

"What girl? What about the couch?" Then it hit him. "He cheated on you?" I nod.


It's been a year since the break up. It was hard, but James helped me through it.I've been living with him ever since. He's the best friend ever and honestly I think he could be more than just a friend. He has been treating me like a princess. But I think I'm still not completely over Logan. I know he cheated on me, but that doesn't mean I can just stop loving him. I have to chose. Logan or James. I'm now in James' music room trying to finish the new song I've been working on. I'm kinda struggling. "Hey, How are you doing in here?"

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