#33 Happy birthday daddy! (Logan.)

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  • Dedicated to Logan Henderson

Logan's P.O.V.

I felt my 5 year old daughter jump on me and my bed. "DADDY! DADDY! DADDY!" She shouted with every bounce. I groaned, not wanting to wake up. "DADDY! DADDY! DADDY!" I sighed and decided to give in. I slowly opened my eyes.

"What is it, baby girl?"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" She threw her hands in the air.

"Thank you, sweetie." I say wrapping my arms around her firmly and kissing her cheek. "Can daddy go back to sleep now?"

"No." She said as if she was mas at me for wanting to sleep. Then [y/n] entered the bedroom. She picks up our daughter and asks what's going on. "Daddy, wants to sleep." She says madly.

"Well, it's his birthday so today daddy can do what he wants." She sighed dissapointed. "Why don't you get dressed and mommy will be right there." She nodded and [y/n] puts her down. As soon as she's down she runs to her room. I pull [y/n] into the bed with me and close my eyes again. "Happy birthday, babe." I felt her lips on mine. She tried to squirm our of my grip but I only held her more thight. "Logan I have to go and take care of daughter. Remember that 5 year old girl that's running around here."

"Daddy, can do what he wants." I repeated her. She tried to get loose again. I whined but loosened my grip. Soon I was fast asleep.

I tiptoed downstairs as I hears whispering in the kitchen. I went inside. "SURPRISE!" My wife and kid scream overly excited. My daugther ran to me and hugged my legs.

"Happy birthday, daddy." I kneeled down to her highed and gave her a hug.

"Thank you, baby girl. I love you." I kissed her forehead and stroked her hair. She ran off and seconds later she ran back in.

"Look daddy I made you something." She said showing me the paper of the drawing she made.

"You made this for me?" I asked (fake) surprised. She nodded her head happily. "Thank you, it's beautiful, just like you." I gave her another kiss. [y.n] cleared her throated. "You're beautiful too." I kissed her lips and she smiled.

"I made you something too." She motioned her head to the counter.

"CAKE!" I shouted. I love cake. I love food in general. We all had some cake.

"And then there is this." She handed me a gift and I opened it.

"Batman underwear! Awesome." I stepped closer to her and laid my hands on her waist. I kissed her lips and then brought mine to her ear. "I still want my other present, Mrs. Henderson." I kissed her neck and she knew exactly what I meant.


I love daddy imagines !!

I'm gonna say it one last time...HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOGAN !! I love that guy so much <3

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