#39 I'm coming home. (Nick for Cassie.)

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"Mommy, when's daddy coming home?" My 4-year old son, Logan, asks impatient.

'Soon (HAHA soon xD sorry) sweetie." I ruffle his hair. He sighs. He really misses Nick. We all do. He's been on tour for 4 months. We went to see him a few times but that doesn't make up for all the other days.

"When is soon, mommy?" My 3-year old, James, asks.

"I don't know." Suddenly my phone beeped. Elvis barked at it.

"Elvis!" James screams madly. He got that from me. When he barks too much I yell his name so he would stop barking. Now every time he barks James screams his name. He runs towards him and gives him a hug. I look at my phone.

Nick <3: I'll b home in bt 30 min. Joe & Kevin r tagging along. ly xoxo <3

Me: kk I'll b w8ing 4 u <3 ly 2 xoxo

"Daddy is going to be here in about 30 minutes." The boys cheered. I took a can of coke from the fridge and took a sip. 

"Mommy, will you play doggy with us?" James asks cutely.


"Yeah, come on it's fun!" Logan says pulling on my arm towards the living room. "You just need to go on your hands and your kneels like this..." He shows me what I should do. "and you crawl around." He starts crawling. I giggle at the sight. I lower myself to the ground and start crawling around.

"You have to bark mommy." James says. The things I do to keep my kids happy.

"Ruff!  Ruff!" I try my best to sound like a dog. I guess it worked since Elvis started barking along. The boys giggle. I hear someone clear his tjroat.

"Hey babe, you enjoying yourself down there?" I stand up and awkwardly clear my throat, slightly embarrassed of what the boys just witnessed. But hey I'm a mom, I'm supposed to do things like this. Kevin and Joe stood behind him. Kevin tried to hold in his laughter, being the more mature one. Joe was cracked up. Nick wraps his arms around me. I tightly hug him back. "Hey." He whispers.

"I missed you so much." I whisper back.

"I missed you too baby." And then finally I could feel his soft lips back on mine.

"Hey we're here too." Joe whined. Nick and I broke apart. "Don't we get a hi?"

"No, you laught at me." He pouted. "Oh come here you." I embrassed him in a hug. "You too Kevin." I hugged him too. "I missed you guys too." They both smiled.

"Daddy!" Logan and James shout in sync.

"Hey boys." He says hugging them both. Someones phone beeped. It was Kevin's.

"Sorry guys, I gotta go, Dani's waiting for me."

"Say hi to her from me." I say

"Sure will."

"Okay boys say bye to uncle Kev." Nick instructed our children. They gave him a tight hug. 

"Bye guys." Kevin says to all of us and his out the door. The rest of us sit down on the couch.

"So Cassie. Friday night, party?"

"Absolutely." I smile. "Wait, what about the kids?"

"Nick can watch them."

"Hey, I wanna party." Nick protests and grabs his guitar.

"Babe, you just got back from a four month long tour, don't you think you need a break from your guitar?' He gasps.

"Never." He whispers. I giggle at his silliness. "What about daycare Kevin?"

"Eh, he already has his own kids and he needs to rest."

"Mom and dad?"

"I guess that's the only solution. Will you call them baby?"

"Yeah sure." He continues strumming his guitar.

"Well, that's settled, gotta go see my girlfriend." Joe says standing up. He hugged the four of us.

"Bye uncle Joe." Logan yells after him. Nick puts his guitar down and scoots closer to me.

"Alone at last." He leans in to kiss me.

"BOO!" Two little rascals screamed from behind the couch, startling us. I giggle and let our lips meet.

"I missed you so much."

"I love you so much."

"I love you too Nicholas."


YAAAY !! first requested Jonas imagine =)

Cassie, I hope you like it =)

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