#46 She's cute, she's beautiful, she's mine. (James for Tara)

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James' P.O.V.

The band and I were out for lunch as we waited for the start of our press-conference. The guys and I were girl-gazing. Well mostly the guys actually. I already have a girlfriend but the guys don't know that, yet. I meeting up with her here. She could be here any minute. "What about her?" I hear someone ask. I look away from the entrance for a sec to look at the girl Logan motions to.

"She looks like a Kendall-girl." I say and focus back on the door.

"Why?" Kendall asks. I just shrug.

"She's pretty." Carlos says. I look at the girl for a swift moment.

"Go ask her number Los." Logan encourages. (Let's pretend Carlos isn't married xD no hate though I love Carlexa)

"I don't know." I sigh quietly and focus on my food.

"Hey, she is cute." I hear Kendall voice. I don't even bother to look up.

"Very cute." Carlos adds.

"She's beautiful." Logan compliments. I decide to look up anyway and a smile forms on my lips.

"Yeah, but she's mine." They all give me a confused look as I stand up and walk over to the girl. "Hey cupcake." She blushes slightly at her nickname. I lean down and kiss her.

"Hi." She simply replies.

"Ready to meet my bandmates?" She takes a breath and nods. I kiss her cheek and put my arm around her shoulders. We walk over to the table together. "Guys, I'd like you to meet Tara, my girlfriend." I look over at her and see that had cheeks had turned a slight shade of red. Probably because I had never introduced her as my girlfriend before. They all greet her and introduce themselfs. Then we sit down in the booth. I put an arm around her.

"So long has this been going on between you two?" Kendall asks pointing to the two of us.

"Uhm about a month or so." I look at Tara for confirmation, she nods.

"Impossible I never noticed something." Carlos states. I slightly chuckle and kiss Tara's cheek. I share my lunch with her and we just talk. Tara didn't say much though.

"I'm gonna get something to drink, you want something?" I shake my head. "Anyone else?" They all shake their head. I give her quick kiss, she gets up and goes to get something to drink. As soon as she is out of hearing distance I pop the question.

"So, what do you guys think of her?"

"Sweet girl." Kendall replies which makes me smile.

"She doesn't say much though." Logan continues.

"She's a little shy give her some time."

"Are you sure she's the right girl for you?" Carlos asks. I look up and see Tara with hurt in her eyes. She turns around and leaves.

"Thanks a lot guys." I stand up and run after her. "Tara wait!"  She let's out a frustrated groan and turns around. I reach her, hold her face in my hands and push my lips on hers. "Don't leave me." I whisper.

"It's okay, I get it. You're friends don't like me and now you want to dump me."

"Nonsense. My friends are dorks.Okay?" She lets out a soft giggle. "The only important thing here is that I love you." I blurr out. We stare at each other quite shocked This is the first time I told her that. Maybe it was too soon. Why isn't she saying anything? Ugh, I'm an idot. "I'm s-."

"I love you too." She cuts me off in a soft voice. A smile appears on both of our faces. She stands on her tippy toes and pecked my lips, which made me smile bigger. "Let's go back to those dorks you call your friend." I chuckle. I put my arm around her and we walked back to the table.

"Are you guys ready for the press-conference?" They all nodded. "Okay than, let's go!" They got up and we went to the press-conference. There we talked about our T.V.-show, our music and our albums. I talked about Dancing With The Stars, Kendall about Heffron Drive, Carlos about his project PenaVega and Logan about his new movie. Lastly, I wanted to introduce Tara to the rest of the world. "Before we end this I want to make an announcement. I want to comfirm that I am dating someone. Her name is Tara and she's the most beautiful girl in the world." I smile at her and she walks over to me, immediately wrapping her arms around me. I lean down and kisses her. Millions of flashes go off but I couldn't care less because I was with the girl I loved the most and she is all mine.



yet again it has been awhile...I'm sorry for that...


Tara, I'm really really sorry that you had to wait so long for such a short imagine. I'm sorry if it sucked but I have some sort of writersblock xD I still hope you liked it though <3

AND REMEMBER, the wise words of Logan Mitchell/Henderson !! If you drink milk on hot day, you diiiiieee xD

k, peace out <3

-JonasRush <3

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