#5 Twister-time (Kendall) (cute/a little dirty)

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When I came up with this I didn't know it was going to be this long nor did I know that is was going to be a little dirty. anyway I still hope you like it. enjoy reading.


"Kendall! Where are you?" I yelled. Kendall and I have been dating for almost 3 years now, and we've been sort of living together for half a year. I love him so much but sometimes he could really get on my nerves, like right now. It was game-night at Carlos' house, well actually it was Carlos and Alexa's house they have been dating for about 5 years now. James and Logan were going to be there too, James with his girlfriend, of 2 months, Halston and Logan alone because he is single. He says he's happy single but I know he wants a girlfriend and I know someday he'll find the perfect girl for him.

"I'm in the bathroom!" Kendall yelled back. What is taking that guy so long? People who say girls take long in the bathroom haven't met Kendall Francis Schmidt yet.

"Well hurry, we should have been there already!" I yelled again. Kendall came off the stairs.

"Relax we still have some time and they won't start game-night without us." He said while grabbing and putting on his coat.

"That's not a reason to be late. What takes you so long anyway?" I asked while he came towards me. When he stood in front of me he rested his hands on my waist and my arms rested on his.

"When you want to look awesome you need to take your time." He flipped his hair back or at least what was left from it cause he had a haircut not so long ago.

"So what you're saying is that I don't look awesome because I don't take 5 hours to get ready?" I teased him and he's mouth formed an O.

"I don't take 5 hours to get ready! And no you don't look awesome." I playfully slapped his upper arm. "You look beautiful." He smiled.

"I think I like looking beautiful better than looking awesome." I smiled back and he kissed me softly. "But we really need to go now." I released my body from his grip and grabbed my coat before playfully slapping Kendall's butt causing him to move on. "Let's go." Kendall opened the car door for me and then quickly ran to the other side of the car and got in himself. We fastened our seatbelt, Kendall putted his hand on the wheel  and looked over at me with a big smile on his face. "What?" I asked

"Nothing, I just like looking at you." He answered still with a huge smile on his face.

"Well sweetie that's great but I'd like you to look at the road right now and drive." I smiled back a little sarcastically.

"No." He said quickly.

"And why not?" I asked.

"Because I can't drive without receiving a kiss."

"Okay." I gave him a quick kiss. "Now drive!"

"that's it? That won't even start my engine." He said raising one eyebrow. I rolled my eyes, cupped his cheeks and gave him another kiss, a more passionate one this time.

"Better?" I asked looking him in the eyes.

"Well that will definitely start my engine." Kendall said looking down his pants.

"KENDALL! Come on drive!" I said pointing at the road. The ride to Carlos' didn't take very long, which was good cause  we were already way too late. As Kendall parked on the driveway I searched for my purse, by the time I found it Kendall had already opened the car door for me and he held out his hand, I laid mine in his and got out of the car. We walked to the door our hands not leaving each other. I rang the doorbell and Carlos opened the door.

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