#28 Big Time Prom-date. (Kendall & Carlos)

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Kendall's P.O.V.

"Hey Kendizle."

"Hi Carlitos. What's up?"

"Could you help me with something?" He asked, he looked very serious.

"Yeah, sure. What do you want help with?"

"Well, prom's coming up and I need a date."

"You're asking me to the prom." I chuckled. Carlos laughed along.

"No, I want you to help me to ask [y/n]."

"[y/n]." I chocked out.

"Yeah." He smiled widely. I look at my watch.

"Um, I just remember I have to go." I stutter. I start to leave.

"Where?" I just ignore him and walk off.


Later that day [y/n] and I were chilling on the couch. Watching some T.V. and talking. "So,who are you thinking about taking to the prom?" She suddenly asked. I start to get nervous.

"Um, I'm not sure yet and I'm helping Carlos with his date and everything."

"Oh." Is all she says.

"Did anyone ask you yet?" She shakes her head no. After that it went silent.

Carlos' P.O.V.

It's three days 'till the prom and I still haven't asked [y/n]. But today is the day! "Hey [y/n]." I smiled widely, she slightly smiled back.

"Hi, Los. Sup?"

"Um, I was just...wondering...WouldYouLikeToGoToThePromWithMe?" I spit out and hand her the flowers I was hiding behind my back. She smiles a little smile, takes the flowers and looks at them. Then she looks me in the eyes, which were full of hope. She kissed my cheek.

"I would love to." SHE SAID YES! She gave me a nod and went somewhere. Kendall came up to me.

"Hey what's going on?" He asked.

"I just asked [y/n] to the dance AND SHE SAID YES!" I was so excited that I was nearly shouting. Kendall didn't seem so happy about my news though.

"That's great." He gave me a pat on the back and left.

Your P.O.V.

I was at the prom but it was getting a little too hot for me in there. So I went outside to take a breath, alone. Then I saw Kendall come up to me. He didn't look all smiley as usual. "Hey, Kendall." I did smile.

"Why did you come to the prom with Carlos?" He snapped at me.

"Because he asked me." I answered. "Isn't that how it goes, Kendall? A guy asks a girl to the prom because he likes her?" Anger was building up in me. I really wished Kendall had asked me.

"Well what about a guy not asking a girl to the prom because he likes her? Have you ever thoughed about that?" He said. I was so confused right now.

"Kendall, that makes absolutely no sense."

"Yeah, well, sometimes things don't make sense." I was about to say something when I felt his lips on mine. I gladly kissed him back.

"I think I get your point now." Someone clears his throat. I turn around. "Carlos, I'm so sorry-." I start to blurr.

"It's okay, I should've seen this coming." He hugged both of us. "You guys go have fun at the prom." He smiled. Kendall and I did too. I gave Carlos a kiss on the cheek and linked hands with Kendall. In the end Kendall did kinda take me to the prom.


So I've watching Big Time Prom Kings a lot lately so I came up with this =)

and yeah I kinda stole that last part from J.O.N.A.S., if you never saw that, SHAME ON YOU !!

Vanessa & Michele I'll work on your imagines soon, I promise but I really have no idea when they will be up, but they will come, I promise. SOMEDAY *singy voice* xD

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