Chapter. 26

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Walking down the streets I feel like a whole new person. Well, that's because I am one. I have a new look and I have obtained a new personality. I race down the streets, dodging people and smelling the mid day air. The city is beautiful, though I've lost track of where we go, I wish I knew where we are at this exact moment so I can come back here.
This place is beautiful, there is so much wild life and the people seem so happy. Little kids run here and there as the adults stand around vendors.
Ivory is always beside me, keeping pace and smiling at me. When we finally stop running and racing about to get a hot dog, she speaks up.
"Being a Delfa is amazing, isn't it? You see the world in a whole new lite."
I nod my head and continue to eat t hot dog. She is right, I see everything so differently now, so much more clear.
We walk into a park and I can hear and see everything. A kid fell into a bush trying to catch a frisbee on the other side of the park and a bird chirps quietly in a tree. It's so different from what I'm used to, everything being so dull and senseless, or at least that's what it used to be like.
As I walk, Ivory, Bliss, Armenia and Nautica are always smiling and laughing, trailing me and always making conversation. It's like there's a bond over us that makes everything so much easier. Though there is one thing that still stuck with me, my clumsiness.
Right as I'm about to take another step, I trip and fall right into someone.
"Oh my I am so so sorry!"
I look to my left to see the girls giggling. When I look up I see a boy, around my age.
"No it's my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going," he offers me a smile.
Yeah, you weren't the one that was walking to fast and tripped.
"I'm Declan."
He holds out his hand for me to shake as I take it.
He nods his head.
"Well Natalie, I know we just met but do you mind if I get your number?"
I nod and smile.
As I am about to pull out my phone, the  most odd thing happens. It's like everything around us freezes. He looks at me and I look back at him.
"So you must be the Nadalia?"
I groan.
"Your another one? Sorry man, I'm not in that biz anymore."
I giggle lightly and Bliss strides to my side.
"Sorry for her rudeness, she is going through some things right now, if you want to find the others, you must head north, Nadalia cannot be of any help at the moment."
Declan nods his head, gives me his number and walks away down the road.
"What's wrong with you Natalie?" The others walk up to me and Armenia claps me on the back.
I speak, more as a question rather than a statement.
She just shakes her head and looks in a direction behind me. I notice the other girls are looking to and I can't keep myself from turning around.
When I do turn around, I really wish I hadn't.

Your really going to like the next chapter. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow! -C
P.s. Sorry that it's short, I had writers block and then next chapter everything will play out.

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