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I just look at her confused.


I look down and sure enough, I am glowing.

I don't understand,how could I be glowing? Why?

The purplish pinkish light radiates off me like the rays of a sun. The air around me is full of sparkles, just floating around, waiting for something.

Mandy snaps out of her glaze and picks herself back up. She quickly cleans up the mess she made and then looks back at me.

"How are you doing that? Nati what's going on?"

She looks at me, desperation in her eyes, at least I think that's it.

God I'm so confused right now!

Then it dawns on me, the stone in my chest and now this purplish pink light. they have to be connected.

I stare Mandy in the eyes and speak slowly.

"Mandy, this glow must be somehow connected to the stone in my chest. I don't know how it just might be though."

She nods her head in agreement.

"Yeah I agree with you Nati, I mean your birthday is only a few days away so it must have something to do with you turning eighteen."

I smile at her prediction.

"Ok so we have something but we still don't know what it means. let's go for a swim then we will watch some movies, you want to stay over tonight?"

She jumps out of her chair and fist pumps the air.

"Of course I'll stay over!!! Swimming and then movies it is!!!"


I stand at the edge if the pool watching the water overlap small caps or waves, from the ever slight breeze. the hard glaring suns beating rays shine down on my skin creating a warm tingling feeling.

I love summer, mostly since Mandy is now done school, I will get more time to hang out with her.

I hear a woot and then Mandy comes up from behind me and jumps into the pool, splashing water all over me.

"Mandy!" I screech, trying to brush the water off of me.

"Oh come on Nati! Your going to get wet anyway! Stop being such a wimp and jump in!"

I guess I am being kind of a wimp. I suck in a large gulp of air and jump into the pool.

Cold water rushes to cover every inch of my body. I open my eyes and look up. I can see the line where air meets liquid.

I just feel like staying down here forever though. Each little particle and bubble, clinging to my skin.

I let the air out of my lungs and swim to the top of the pool.

It feels so good to be back in the water. It feels so good that it's finally summer.

"So what's up with all this glowing stuff? Are you some hybrid super powered alien from another planet or something?"

I shake my head.

"No I have absolutely no Idea where you got that crazy idea from, from what I know I have lived on Earth my entire life."

She throws her head back in laughter. How was any of that funny?

"Um Mand, how was any of that funny?" I ask point out the obvious question.

Her head snaps back toward me and a huge smile grows on her face.

"It just was!! The way you said it with your voice all sarcastic and like, your face, oh my your face, you looked so, so, regal." She bursts out laughing and falls back into the pool.

That girl has way to much energy and a very interesting mind.

I roll my eyes and dive under the surface to the bottom of th pool. At the surface Mandy is splashing and swimming around laughing.

Her laughing fits normally take two to three minutes so I have a few minutes in my own mind, I think.

I come back up and re surface to a still hyper Mandy. Floating on my back I can't help but wonder what's going to happen on my birthday. Now that Mandy mentioned it all of this might have a connection to my eighteenth birthday, I mean, why else would I be glowing? Or maybe it's just the fact that this some weird awkward rock inside of me has just decided to wake up and claim a soul for itself. I'm pretty sure that's not the case though. There has to be some explanation out there, I just need to find it.

I am pulled out of my thoughts by Mandy pulling me under the water by the ankle,more at least I thought it was Mandy. I open my eyes to see Carter waving at me.

I smile under the water and surface in an eruption of giggles. I look at Mandy who is also giggling un controllably.

Carter comes over to me and explains his being here.

"Mandy invited me, she said that you were down so I also invited Cody, he should be here in a few minutes."

I smile at him.

"Thankyou Carter this really did make my day so thankyou so much for coming."

We just stare at each other in awkward silence.

The silence is broken by Cody yelling and jumping into the pool.

"CANNON BALL!!!" He yells as he hits the water. Water washes over Mandy, Carter, and I. And again we all erupt in giggles and laughter. The rest of the day consists of us playing Marco Polo, making whirlpools and being utter and absolute kids again.

I miss this type of freedom that only comes with friends.


So hi guys,I hope you like this new chapter. I know I haven't posted in a while but I will try to post more, I promise.

Don't forget to:




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