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I didn't know what to expect when I walked into the house. It was a modern house, with simple fantasy figurines and treasures scattered on sheaves and other places. When I turn a corner the first thing I notice is a huge wall full of pictures and sticky notes. There is a map behind it, it's like Scarlett was looking for something and mapping it out. That's when I notice it, a picture of me on the side with personal details like my age and height. Looking at the pictures closer I notice they are all of me. Me swinging in my tire swing, me making breakfast, sitting on the driveway, talking to Mandy. There is even a picture of me and the others swimming in the pool in my backyard. It's like my whole life is mapped out on this wall.
"Were you stalking me?"
"We were trying to find you, we remembered everything by the time we were sent here."
I turn around to see a boy, maybe 19 years old. He las longish black hair and striking green eyes.
"And who may you be?"
He looks at me for a minute and then his eyes sweep the room and land on me again. He then bows and smiles.
"I am Ethan here, and in our world, I am Estan, your highness."
I sigh and face palm my forehead.
"Seriously with the 'your highness' guys. I am a regular girl, there is no crown on my head, see," I say pointing to my head.
"Yeah, not yet," Cody says smirking as he walks through the kitchen door. Walking over to him, I give him a slap upside the head.
"Ow!" He squeaks, making everyone in the room laugh.
"Listen, Natalie, we have a warning for you." Scarlett places a hang on my right shoulder.
"There are people, they have come to this world to hurt you, or worse, kill you. They are every where, meaning we need to et you back to our world before the rebels find you."
I look at her and then turn my gaze to look at everyone else.
"I am supposed to be a princess, a ruler, but the thing is, I don't know how to get back to our world."
"It's okay Natalie, we have been doing some research. There is a portal in Washington, once we get there we will have to find out the exact location, but at least we have a start."
Ethan opens the fridge and pulls out a Pepsi.
A portal, back to where we originally lived. Im not sure I want to go back, I've lived here my entire life, I am accustomed to my life here, my way of living.
"What's our world like?"
Scarlett smiles and waves her hands around.
"Oh it is amazing! Magic and dreams and all that goo stuff is everywhere! You, yourself, alongside many other people had magic of their own. Creatures such as unicorns and bubble turtles roam about with freedom. It wasn't just our kingdoms though, we ruled the main part of the world, that's why we are large in the rankings. It was always beautiful, every day, everyone was always happy peace was everywhere until the war came. Our favourite place-"
I do t hear the rest of what she says because I collapse on the ground, clutching my stomach. It feels like there is a bubble. The larger it grows the more the pain grows. Pop... I think, desperate for the pain to go away. POP!! But the bubble just won't pop, the pain just keeps growing, and growing.
"Ivory! It's Ivory!" I hear someone yell.
That's the last thing I hear before I black out from pain and the cold sweat that was building on my forehead. The fever start to flare up along with the pain, no wonder I passed out.

Heya everyone! This was a late chapter I know. I'm sorry, I've had writers block and let me tell you it is terrible. I have had no desire to write whatsoever. The next chapter will hopefully be longer and I am trying to improve my writing so hopefully it will have more detail, anyway I hope you enjoyed!

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