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I wake up to find myself soaking wet and cold. ugh boys. I hear a high pitched scream and turn my he's to my left.

Carter and Cody are dumping a bucket of what I'm guessing I've cold water on Mandy's head. I smirk to myself when I get a brilliant idea.

I run to the kitchen and pull out one of the six eggs cartons in the fridge. running into the living room I pull out two eggs. the boys are so focused on Mandy that they won't see it coming. I crack a egg on each boys head and start to laugh hysterically.

"You boys have been bad, there punishment paid"

They just look at me then we all burst out laughing.

"Ok, ok you got us." Cody says " now let's get some breakfast, I'm starving!"

We all get up and move to the kitchen.

Mandy and I towel ourselves down while the boys wash the eggs out of their hair at the sink.

"Now that we have had our fun what should we eat?" Mandy says still towelling herself down.

"How about we have egg in the hole" I suggest.

They all look at me weirdly. OHHH they probably don't know what that is. I run to the living room, grab the carton of eggs and then run back to the kitchen.

"Well, you cut a circle in the middle of a price of bread, put it in the frying pan and then crack a egg in the centre" I say demonstrating.


They all nod their heads and smirk.

"Your turn guys! Carter first!"

I watch as he attempts to make the breakfast. he's failing at it miserably.

"Yeah umm Carter" I say "I'm not eating that."

He looks at me.

"What's wrong with it? it looks pretty good to me."

Mandy steps forward and speaks.

"Well for one, you burnt the entire thing, remind me not to let you use a stove, ever again, and second it doesn't even really look like food" she says poking it.

We all burst out laughing.

"Yeah yeah well I tried, let's see if Cody can do it better."

Cody grunts and puts and egg in the middle of the toast, it then starts to cook. We all laugh at how little he is trying.

"Ok, ok, you are doing this all wrong, let the master take this over" Mandy says as he pushes Cody to the side and takes ore making the egg and toast. In the end Mandy and I have perfect eggs and toast and the boys... Well thy didn't really have a breakfast.

We all laugh while eating the breakfasts that we all made.

"Ooooo we should so do karaoke!!"

Mandy squeals as she makes random gestures with her hands.

The boys droop their heads and all I can do is laugh.

"Yeah why not? Karaoke sounds fun! Carter, Cody, can you guys go set it up"

Without any complaint they pick themselves up and wander to the living room.

I turn to Mandy and she looks at me.

"Mandy, I heard everything last night, is it true? Does Carter really like me?"

She nods her head.

"Oh course he does, girl, he cares about you more than you think."

I smile, the corners of my lips going up to the tips I my ears.

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