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My eyes are glued shut, heavy with sleep, and extremely weighted. I know I must open them though considering Carter is shaking me violently.

"What?" I mumble only to have him keep shaking me in response.

"What!?" I say louder, finally flinging my eyes open. To my surprise it was not Carter who was shaking me. It was a little girl. Her brown hair was carelessly put up in a pony tail so most of it hung in her face. She looked tired, worn, as if she had been working for many hours straight without a break.

Her skin was so pale, like she had seen a ghost and the colour never came back.

Somehow I think I know this girl. She's... Me. I remember, I was always tired when I was a kid. All work and no play, that's what my life was like.

"What do you wan't?" I ask, pleading dripping from my tongue. I don't know why I was pleading, I really don't, I guess I just want to know what this version of me wants and why she is in my dream.

"I want to show you your past, your memories, your life."

Her words shock me at first but then they settle in. Sh wants to show me what life was like before the terrible innocent. One question still liners in my head though.

"Am I okay, in the real world? I mean this has to be a dream, right?"

She smiles, a smile that I remember, my smile. My smile, the smile where only the top row of teeth are showing and the bottom are covered by the lower lip.

"You, and your friends are all safe, you are headed to Ohio at the moment, about six and a half more hours and you should be there, now let's not worry about that, follow me."

She turns around on her small slipper heels. I pause before following her.

She waves her hand in a sort of twisty motion and then a white light appears, like a gate.

I am safe in the real world. On my way to Ohio with everyone else, so I hours be okay if I go through the portal? I mean, she never stated that this was a dream but I can only assume so considering she just said I am on my way with my friends.

The younger me takes hold of my hand and leads me through the white light, here goes nothing.

Hey guys sorry if this is a short update.

1. I have been extremely busy with gymnastics

2. I am broken and hurt everywhere, sore neck here, bruised bone there haha.

3. I am writing all my chapters on my phone so they are short, sorry.

4. Don't forget to vote, comment,and follow, thanks!

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