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I sit on my bed, with my favourite book in my hand. The wizard of oz. it has been my favorite book since I was little. I have read it at least seven maybe eight times. I look out my bed room window. The curtains are drawn back tightly so the sun is shining through. Our plum tree is growing beautiful ripe plums ready to be picked. The tree is so big it hangs carelessly into my neighbour, Carter's yard. He is about my age, I think. I sometimes see him hanging out with his buddies on his driveway or in the middle of the road. I notice him but he never notices me. I guess you could say that's a good thing. I don't really want to be noticed by anyone. My lights are turned out in my room because I don't seem to need them since it's such a nice day outside. I lie back down on my bed and close my eyes. I am trying to fall asleep but I keep hearing a clink noise. Again and again and again. Finally after about a thousand clinks I open my eyes and I go to my window to see what it was. To my surprise it was Carter throwing rocks at the side if my house trying to get my attention. He waves a arm then points to my driveway indicating I should come outside. I nod my head and walk away from the window.
What does he want with me? I thought he didn't know I existed. We'll I must have been wrong. way wrong. I make my way downstairs and unlock the front door. Carter is waiting at the edge of my driveway. When he sees me he smiles an waves at me. I can't help but smile back at him. I close the door behind me and carefully walk towards him. I still don't know why he wanted to talk to me.
"Hi!" I say "you wanted to talk to me?"
I say it with a little bit of excitement in my tone just to make it sound like my life is a little bit more interesting than it really is.
He nods.
" uh yeah, I heard your birthday is coming up so me, Jamie, and Cody wanted to know if you wanted to come to the park or something, do you wanna come?"
I can't believe Carter, the Carter just asked me to come to he park. But sadly I can't come, deeming that I am wearing a high tech shocking device.
"I- I'm sorry but I can't exactly come, sorry maybe some other time."
He opens his mouth to say something but I cut him off my walking away back into my house.
When i close the door behind me I slump down to the ground. He basically just asked me out on a date and I totally turned him down. I can't believe i did that. But sadly I still can't leave the house.
I put my head in my hands and slowly start to sob. why did my parents have to keep me in this house my entire life? I've been in this house for eight years. I need to somehow get out. I need to leave.

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