Author's Note

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Note: I dedicate the very first chapter of this story to CelestialPrince in honor for being my very first fan and reader of the older version. You are a very important person and you can't imagine the importance you made into coming this far. Thank you~!



As you can guess from the title this is the rewritten version of "The Guardian", its final version. 

I've been working hard on it in order to make it as much enjoyable as possible. There are a few things that have been changed in this version, starting with a brand new cover made by me (I know it's not out of this world, but I'm really bad at this type of things), the chapters are now a bit longer, some changes have been made in the plot and new scenes have been added in order to cover all the plot holes the previous version had. 

Some may be wondering why I decided to start a new story instead of simply editing on the other existent version but there's an explanation for that. 

First of all as I mentioned above, the chapters are now longer, which means some chapters have been grouped up together and become a whole new chapter, for example the first and second chapter have become the first chapter of the final version and if I decided to edit on the current version the comment section wouldn't make sense anymore. (I'll stop for now so that I don't bore you all with this type of information). The other reason why I didn't edit directly on the first version is because I don't wish to delete it. I know this might sound odd but that story was the very first I published here and where I've received the encouragement from many of you that allowed me to kept going on. I'm grateful to all the support I've received through this two years that I've been on Wattpad and I just can't bring myself to delete the story, so I'll just keep it as a memento on how awesome you all are. (ˆ⌣ˆ)

Before moving on, I'd like to stress that if you've read the old version you should still read this one from the beginning since there's been some changes that will allow to understand what happens after the 22nd chapter (otherwise you'll feel a bit lost)

I hope you enjoy the time you'll spend reading this. 


Note: This story is updated every Monday. 

The Guardian (Final Version)Where stories live. Discover now