14th chapter: Finally reunited

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Mia's PoV

Currently I was hiding in a room quietly not to make any sound that would alert the demons to my presence. Outside there were just too many running around in both confusion and stress preparing themselves for the battle ahead.

I had managed to achieve getting on the second floor, seeing as I was in the third, but upon setting foot on it lady luck had turned its back on me and I had almost been caught by one of the demons running around, fortunately not all of my luck was lost so I had been able to get away and find shelter in the room I was currently hiding in.

Taking a deep breath to regain my composure and sort out my thoughts I started to come up with ideas to get way from this place as soon as possible, however, despite my wish to get away, there was something bugging me in the back of my head which made reaching whoever was making a ruckus on the first floor top priority.

One would think quickly getting away from a place that wants to harm you would be the most common thing to do but I believed in Heart and so was quite sure, no, I was completely sure he was the one creating all that chaos which meant, if I did run away, I would be running away from both my hunter and my saviour. Placing my gaze on my chained wrists I sighed, besides not knowing how I'd go past all the demons outside, this was another problem; while they were on my wrists they made me unable to use my powers which turned me into an inoffensive little lamb in a wolf's den, again, I cursed at how smart the enemies actually were.

Perceiving a shift in movement on the other side of the door I backed away into a corner between the white wall and a bookshelf that made a perfect blind spot to one looking at the room from the door. As I hide further, to make sure not a single hair was showing which could give me away immediately, I noticed a soft breeze caressing the little hairs in my bangs making them flutter along with it and while inspecting my surroundings trying to find the source of the breeze I took notice of a small, almost imperceptible, gap between the wooden bookshelf and the wall.

"Bingo!" I cheered feeling lucky.

It's funny, not to mention cliché as hell, how there's always a secret passage in an old castle in books and movies but to find it in real life in times of need makes one just really appreciate this little cliché things.

"I guess all clichés have a real life source."

The next minute went by with me taking out every single book from that bookshelf one by one because, let's face it, that's how it's done in the stores, trying to figure out which one would do the trick and grant me access to that secret passage. When I finally reached the last book I felt like screaming with frustration: the bookshelf hadn't budge a single centimetre and I felt my luck dissipate in a matter of seconds.

It seemed my cliché, yet very helpful moment, had come to an end.

Feeling defeated I leaned against the desk across the bookshelf pondering on what I should do and that was when my eyes laid on a very peculiar thick book that immediately caught my attention. It had no title, no author and its cover was just a dark plain green. Curious, I lifted it to read its content and that was when I noticed something was strange. A book like that would be rather heavy but that was too light. When I finally opened it I noticed why: it was hallow, or in other words, a fake book and inside was a red button instead and when I pushed it the bookshelf made a click and moved to its right side as a pathway opened before my eyes.

"I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I'll go to it laughing." reciting a quote by a famous writer, I entered the barely illuminated passage after the unknown.

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