11th chapter: Captured and locked, all hope lost

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This chapter is dedicated to LunarStarlight for her perseverance, her support and enthusiasm. Thank you~! 

Reyen's PoV

As Mia left the room I turned my gaze towards Richard who, mimicking me, had turned him gaze in my direction.

It was in my nature to care for others so when I saw Mia collapsed on the floor wounded the day before, I couldn't help but intervene in whatever was going on, of course I would have never expected something like this so yeah, like Richard had so eloquently pointed out, I was still, and most probably would stay, a bit skeptical towards what they had told me.

"I don't trust you, even if Mia does." I spoke fiercely making sure he understood that despite him not being a human being, even if he did look like one, I wouldn't be afraid.

"I never wanted for another human to get involved, so neither of us is happy." his answer came out in a monotonously way which sounded more as an attempt to stay calm.

"You can fool Mia with those blatant lies, but I will never fall." I retorted, after what I had witnessed I wasn't going to believe in him so easily.

"I do not really care about what you thi–" he started but suddenly interrupting himself as golden sparks surrounded him and his once light brown hair turned blonde, his hazel eyes became green and his clothes completely changed from the school's uniform to something more bizarre, then quickly stormed out of the room as a scream echoed through the house ending at the same time a glass shattering onto the floor was heard.

Right after the scream ceased I went after Richard down the stairs only to find him on his knees on the kitchen floor right in front of the broken glass' pieces. As if in a trance he kept looking at the little pieces not moving at all and I knew something had gone wrong, incredibly wrong.

"Where's Mia?" I asked almost inaudible actually feeling a bit wary by the change in Richard's mood, he was extremely tensed up and I didn't need a hint to understand the seriousness of the matter since I could clearly feel it.

Just as if he had not heard or even seen me, Richard got up walking past me and back to Mia's room and while cursing under his breath he spoke.

"I was such a fool! He warned me but I took his warning lightly and now they took Mia away. Fuck!" he threw some more curses to the air completely oblivious to my presence as I kept following him back upstairs.

"By they, do you mean the demons?" reaching Mia's room I finally asked gaining some courage and Richard turned around noticing me at last as I mentally prepared myself for his outburst, but it didn't come, instead he calmly nodded.

"I will definitely bring her back!" he stated grabbing a dolphin shaped necklace which was resting on Mia's pillow and putting it in his pants right pocket.

Having accomplished such task he then started to mutter some incomprehensible words that didn't sound anything like a human language and which were followed by a strong white light that involved him and he started to fade away.

"Oh no, you are not going to leave me behind!" I proclaimed grabbing his still visible arm just before it disappeared with everything else.

Heart's PoV

Once the white light faded away I blinked my eyes several times in order to adjust to the change in light. The scenery had drastically changed from Mia's room to an opened plaza and very familiar one that made me sigh relieved to see that nostalgic place again.

After being months away from home on a mission I had started to miss this place, my world and most of all my family and home; however my moment of bliss did not last long, not only because of the reason which had brought me home but also because I heard a voice behind me.

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