29th chapter: To each his own

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Mia's PoV

The entrance to the school was blocked by the many students acting as guards, it was somehow admirable how the demons had been able to get hold of so many people but I wasn't going to compliment them out loud.

"Heart take care of the right side. Reyen go to the left. I will take the middle!" I commanded gathering my strength and courage.

I never saw myself as a natural leader, in fact I'd rather do things my own pace and never had the urge to make others do the same, but that night it was as if something had taken control of my mind. I knew what to do and fast.

As each one of us went our way the students – like we had expected – tried to stop and capture us but it wouldn't be that easy, we had counter measures.

Heart was skillfully knocking down student after student, either with the katana's handle or with a strong punch on their stomach, he was too used to this and for a moment I couldn't help but compare how different our life styles really were.

On the other hand, on Reyen's side, he moved at a slower but still effective way handing out blows right and left with the frying pan filling the air with a metallic sound with each blow. It was quite funny to watch actually.

Taking a deep breath I concentrated on my side and started to create my standard attack of white orbs and throwing them at every student that came my way.

In ten minutes we had cleaned the front yard of the school and were ready to step inside.

The ground floor was oddly quiet, probably because every student in that area had been guarding the outside but it was still able to put me on edge.

"Such and adrenaline rush! I can't wait to go pancking some more people." breaking the tension, Reyen roared clearly excited.

"Pancking?" I asked.

"Yes. We have frying pan and knocking so that becomes pancking!" he cleared it up and both and Heart and I laughed.

"I do not know if you are just a naïve fool or well... you, but I do admire how you can stay so positive in this type of situations." Heart let out with a grin.

"Am I supposed to take that as an insult or a compliment?" leering at him, Reyen questioned.

"Definitely a compliment."

"Well thank you, I guess. But don't go falling for me now." jokingly Reyen said putting his left arm around Heart's shoulder.

"Do not worry. That will not happen, even if you beg." answering him in the same way, Heart let out while grabbing Reyen's arm and escaping his grip.

"Now you're just being mean." feigning being hurt Reyen complained and I laughed once again.

Suddenly there was no longer that edgy feeling I was having but instead a rather calm one overtook me clearing my head and thoughts.

As we advanced through the school floors things started to get more and more hectic – as one would expect – I mean, we weren't really thinking it would be easy. By the time we arrived at the second floor we were suddenly faced with a rather chaotic situation.

Apart from the students we had already knocked out, I could tell that those gathered in front of us were all the ones the demons had been able to get control off and despite our attempt to fight back we were inevitably caught and separated.

Reyen's PoV

I was surrounded with no means to escape by the students of the school. There were so many of them and the worst part was that it wasn't even half of the amount of students that did go to the school.

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