21st Chapter: Fallen one

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Reyen's PoV

It was already December and the feeling I had had a few weeks back had become reality. Ever since that day where I almost had found out about what was going on with Jeremy, he had stopped talking with me, even the flower pot, our special thing, had disappeared as if eradicating every last bit of our friendship.

"Reyen, are you alright?" Mia's voice rang in my ears and I stopped facing the outside from the window to turn back to the hallway where she stood.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answered her with a smile but at my statement Mia rose an eyebrow inquisitively.

"I've passed here twice and you haven't moved a single muscle for the past thirty minutes."

"It has been than long?" I asked completely oblivious of the time.

"Yes. Are you sure you're alright?" Mia insisted and I sighed.

"Well, hopefully I'll be able to fix it." with a weak smile I answered more to reassure myself than anything else.

"Is it about Jeremy?" with no beating around the bush, Mia dropped the bomb and I stared at her.

"How did you know? Is it that obvious?"

"It's not that." she mumbled. "I've noticed Jeremy's been behaving strangely lately." she admitted and I sighed again.

"Then it's not just my imagination."

"No, I don't think so." eyeing me Mia said before pausing.

"What is it?" sensing she had more to say I asked smiling at her.

"Actually, a few weeks ago, Heart felt the presence of demon's magic coming from Jeremy's bracelet, but it was too weak to be sure. We wanted to talk with you, because you are Jeremy's best friend, and find out if you knew what was going on but since Heart has been monitoring Jeremy and there haven't been any sights of a nearby demon, we concluded we were wrong."

Mia's words hit me hard and I felt my chest tighten, suddenly it was as if all the air in me had been forced out and I could no longer breathe. Jeremy, my best friend, involved with the demons? I couldn't believe it, I didn't want to believe it. Surely they were wrong, as Mia had said, but then why did I feel that was not the case? All this time I had thought Jeremy's behavior was because of his father acting up again but I couldn't have been more wrong. However, if there was something that I was sure about, was that I would never let Jeremy fall. I was going to help him, no matter what.

"Where's Jeremy?"


"Jeremy, Mia, where is Jeremy?" I asked grabbing her by the shoulders.

"I don't know, hmmm, try looking for him in front of the classroom." she answered and I dashed off towards the direction she had pointed me.

For someone who didn't know where he was, Mia hit the mark pretty accurately, and finding him in the hallway in front of his classroom I grabbed his arm and pushed him into a corner.

"We need to talk."

"Never thought you could be this violent." massaging his arm Jeremy spilled not looking at me.

"We need to talk." I repeated not breaking my gaze away from him.

"I heard you the first time but Reyen, there's nothing to talk about with you!" finally looking at me, Jeremy stated.

"Is it true? Have you sided with the demons?" ignoring Jeremy's previous words I kept on, determinate to finally get everything straight.

"Demons?" letting out a laugh, a dry laugh, Jeremy rephrased me. "You've been playing games too much."

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