13th chapter: Ambush

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Reyen's PoV

This was it. Richard and I had arrived at the front gates of the castle and were currently crouching down hiding behind some old rocks which probably used to belong to an old castle wall, observing the two guards on duty. To my surprise they didn't look monstrous with horns and tails but rather human; the only things different were the eyes and hair colour which showed characteristics not so human like, well that and also the fact some demons seemed to have pointy canines. Even so, besides those little things they did seem in fact what a human would consider normal.

"Now what?" I asked not taking my eyes of the guards carefully paying attention to every single move they made.

"We have to attack and do as less noise as possible." Richard explained and as I faced him I noticed he had once again turned into having blonde hair and green eyes.

"Attack? How?" I asked reminding him he was paired up with a human not a magical being or whatever they wished to address themselves.

"You have the ring my father gave you, do you not?"

"Oh right I had forgotten all about it." I exclaimed reaching for the ring in my back pocket and placing it in my index finger just like the king worn it.

"The thing is, with that ring you can materialize anything to use as a weapon in order to fight." Richard explained checking his surroundings to make sure there was no one within ear shot. "You just have to concentrate and think of what you want, you know. Use your imagination."

"You mean I just have to think of a sword and puff it appears?"


"But I don't know how to use one." I state as a matter of fact and Richard looked at me in disbelieve.

"Then why did you mention one?"

"Because it's cool."

Silence. A dead silence filled the air for a whole minute and could imagine Richard's patience starting to wear thin but instead of getting angry he sighed and rubbed his temples before speaking.

"It is, is it not?" with a chuckle he ended up saying and just like before my impression of him became a little bit better. "Anyway, is there anything you can use that might work as a weapon?" Richard's serious demeanour came back.

"Through my years in junior high I used to belong to the archery club!" I stated and Richard's face lit up with enthusiasm.

"A bow! That will do. Now hurry up!" he pleaded and I nodded.

Trying to concentrate and imagen a bow and arrows ended up to be harder than what I first had thought seeing as I always got distracted by the smallest noise. After five minutes I finally did it as the ring shone and a bow and some arrows appeared in the air falling on top of my head which made Richard laugh.

"Well now that we are all ready do me a favour and shoot down the guard on the left, please." turning to the guards once again Richard sort of commanded grabbing his sword with his left hand ready to unsheathe the sword with his right hand and slice down the other guard.

"Wait just a second." I exclaimed nervously and Richard jerked his head in my direction. "I can't kill someone."

Richard's eyes widen for a second before averting his gaze from mine, I was pretty sure he had realized the nature of his demand, after all we were very different and while he was used to this sort of fights I wasn't.

"Sorry." he whispered.

Holding out his right hand with his pam facing down and the golden star on his glove up, he muttered something and a mini round jar with blue dust inside came out of the star. Grabbing it, he placed a bit of the dust in every single one of my arrows that absorbed it instantly.

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