8th chapter: Meetings, fights and secrets unveiled

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Mia's PoV

I was sitting at my desk doing my homework while Heart was sitting behind me on my bed playing with my cat on his lap. I gazed at him from the corner of my eyes and could see his face with a radiant smile, a pure and innocent smile like one of a child. I leaned against the back of my chair while staring at the ceiling when I heard my mother calling me.

"Mia! Let Bucky come down to have lunch." she requested as I turned around and looked at Heart while standing up and walking towards him.

"Bucky it's enough now. Go eat!" I exclaimed carrying him towards the door opening it and putting him on the floor. "Go on." I commanded but he kept looking at me with his blue eyes. "After you eat you can come play with Heart again." I finished with a smile and he hurried down the stairs towards the kitchen. I turned back to the room and closed the door behind me. "He seems to really like you." I pointed out.

"I like him too." Heart said with a sweet smile. "But I must say that I had never seen a cat like him."

"Indeed." I agreed nodding.

Bucky was different from the other cats, he had orange fur and deep blue eyes which made the combination quite odd since, normally, cats like Bucky had green or black eyes, not deep blue, but that's what made him special.

"Not to mention his name is strange too." Heart let out.

"Hearing that coming from you really makes it a pointless argument." I said with a somewhat smug smirk.

"I do not see what is wrong with my name." he said looking away as if he was pouting. "If you think mine is strange, then you should hear my brother's name."

Right after those words were spoken my expression changed to an awed and amused one and I sat next to him feeling excited. It was the first time Heart was speaking about his family and even if it might have just slipped out of his mouth, I felt happy to know more about him.

"You have a brother?" staring at him I asked mildly amused.

Heart stopped for a bit, like he had regretted having said what he did, and kept looking at me, I noticed, however, that he wasn't exactly seeing me as he was once again lost in his own thoughts. Whenever Heart was like that it made me realize how mysterious he was and therefore, how little I actually knew about him and, somehow, it gave me a feeling of loneliness.

"Silver." he finally muttered. "My brother's name is Silver."

"How interesting." I mumbled. "Your brother is Silver, you have Golden in your name, that must be a precious family." upon saying this Heart looked at me with a hint of an unpleasant feeling from his eyes, however he kept a calm and serene expression. "You didn't like my joke?" I asked as I got up and stood in front of him. "Of course you didn't like it, it probably sounded like an insult. Sorry, I guess I can cross out the comedian career from my future choices." between babbles I apologized.

"I am in no position to get mad at you if you ever insult me, but it was not the case anyway, I just thought your joke was out of your character and was taken aback." smiling faintly Heart said.

"And why is that?" referring to the first part of his sentence I asked annoyed by the fact that I knew exactly what he was going to answer.

"You are my master. You can say and do whatever you want."

"There you go again." I let out a long sigh. "You really should stop speaking of yourself as if you were an object for my personal use." I finished letting myself fall on my bed next to where he was sitting.

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