1st chapter: And so it begins

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Mia's PoV

I've always thought that my life was normal, just the average mediocrity you could find anywhere you looked, but it all changed when I met a certain boy.

It was the beginning of the week, a simple Monday afternoon, and as I was walking home through the course I daily covered, I stood upon something terrible. After five minutes walking I came across a boy lying motionless on the floor, oddly enough it looked as if everyone had disappeared from the face of the earth and now only him and I were left, quickly I approached him only to notice how his breathing was slow and looked painfully but apart from that there were no visible wounds that could explain what might have happened.

"Hey, what happened to you?" I asked but he didn't replay, he opened his eyes as if taking notice of my presence only now and I cursed in a whisper. Of course we wouldn't replay, he looked like he could die any minute and I was just wasting precious time. "I'll call an ambulance. Hang in there." I exclaimed trying to give him the strength he needed to hold on but he just looked at me with his deep hazel eyes which put me in a daze and prevented me from moving my body. There was this gentleness in his gaze yet, at the same time, it held a frightening feeling to it, frightening for being able to hypnotize anyone with its beauty.

"Your hand, can I have it?" his voice came in a low whisper, probably from the lack of use which made me wonder how long he had been there, however I only nodded and proceeded to give it to him, this could pretty much be his dying wish and I wasn't going to just ignore it.

As soon as our hands touched a feeling very similar to when you receive an electric shock, or so I presumed, as I had never received one in my life time fortunately, invaded my body and I felt all of my energy leaving it, my eyes quickly became heavy and I barely could keep them open, then, without being able to hold on more, I collapsed asleep on the floor.

The mysterious boy PoV

Never once had I thought that the girl, now sleeping in front of me, could in fact really be the one I was looking for however I knew better than to allow myself to be surprised.

With my energy recharged I got up from the floor and stretched my muscles that had become sore from the long hours lying on the floor, I had been so close to dying and yet here I was, back to life like a new born lamb. After one minute or so, finally feeling I could put my muscles to good use I proceeded to walk to my new temporary home with the girl in my arms. Ten minutes later I was at last facing the door of the apartment I was currently living in, luckily no one had found strange the fact that I was carrying a girl around and I hadn't been bothered with questionnaires from the authorities, which would have been quite troublesome if it had happened. Clumsily I opened the door to my home, it was rather hard to do it while holding a girl, and walked towards my room finally placing her softly on the bed covering her with the bed sheets, then I sat next to her and gently patted her head.

"That must have taken a real tool on you. I am sorry little master." 

I stayed next to her for some more minutes but then decided to leave the room and let her sleep peacefully.

Mia's PoV

When I woke up, after what seemed a couple of hours, I found myself on a strange room. I sat up and observing my surrounding noticed that the bed where I had been lying was big enough to fit two people there, contrary to the one back in my home. The room was quite large but remarkable empty, there were only the simple things needed in a room: a bed, a bedside table, a wardrobe, a desk and no more than that; the walls were white, just like the ceiling, and the bed sheets blue, there were also two doors opposite to each other, one probably led to the corridor while the other to a bathroom. Two minutes passed, or so I presumed, and nothing happened, I was scared to move and go look for someone myself, my head hurt and I still couldn't remember very well what had happened. Three more minutes passed, the door on the right side opened and a boy stopped before entering, he looked at me and seeing I was awake smiled as his hazel eyes shined.

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