20th chapter: Feelings ablaze

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For those of you who haven't checked my profile I just want to let you know I have a surprise for all of you. 

Because I was inactive for a long time, this week I'll be updating more. 

Now, it might be once, or twice or even thrice. 

We never know  (¬‿¬)

Anyway, enjoy your chapter~! 

Reyen's PoV

"Hey Mia, are you listening to me?" I called trying to regain her attention.

Lately she was constantly with her head up in the clouds and quickly would stop listening to what people were saying.

"Oh Reyen, sorry about that I was−"

"Distracted. Yeah, yeah. I know." I sighed and Mia's expression sadden.

"I'm really sorry, it's just that I've been sorting out some information in my head." apologizing she explained and I smiled at her as an answer.

"I understand your feelings, I'm still trying to understand this whole guardian thing." I stated and brought a piece of meat to my mouth.

Mia and I were in the canteen having lunch together seeing as Richard was speaking with his head teacher, it was tough being a transfer student in this school.

"Yes, there's that too." after a brief moment Mia let out. "But my mind was trying to sort out something else."

"Then what is it?" I asked before picking up my glass of water and drinking from it.

Mia slide her plate to the left and putting her elbows on the table and using her hands as a chin supporter she asked.

"Have you ever been in love?"

It was such a sudden question about a topic still so fresh to me that I chocked on the water I was drinking making me cough compulsively.

"Are you alright?" worried flashing through her face Mia asked.

"Yes, I'm fine." letting out a last cough I composed myself. "So why do you want to know?" curious I couldn't help but ask and Mia blushed slightly.

"I want to understand what these feelings I'm having mean." she was desperately trying to maintain eye contact with me even though her embarrassment told her otherwise and to my eyes that only made her look cuter.

"You know, even If I do tell you that, everyone feels it in a different way, so you can, and probably will, feel it in a different way than I." scratching the back of my head I tried to explain.

"Oh, so you do love someone."

"Why do I feel you just laid a trap for me?" leering at her in a jokingly manner I stated once her words hit me while she just laughed. "But you're right. I do love someone." staring at Mia I said. "She's kind, brave, beautiful and very cute. She sticks for herself and her believes and always puts other's wellbeing before her own. She doesn't allow the adversities she might face wear her down and despite what might happen to her she always puts a wonderful smile on her face. To me she is my very precious person and no matter what, all I want to do is protect her and hold her and hope someday the reason she smiles is me."

"Woah. That's really beautiful. I could feel the love in your words." smiling at me like she always did, Mia proclaimed. "You should tell that to the person you love. I'm sure your feelings will reach her."

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