15th chapter: Safe at last

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Reyen's PoV

Back to the place which looked like a plaza and where I had first appeared after clutching onto Richard's arm when he started to fade away in Mia's room, I felt all the tension disappear from my body and relieved for feeling safe once again I dropped to the floor exhausted but smiling like a fool.

"That was crazy!" at my statement Mia looked at me and gave me a sweet smile that made me blush, then she approached me and knelling down she kissed my cheeks.

"Thank you, Reyen."

"I cannot believe you actually kissed him." Richard exclaimed behind Mia dropping to the floor as cuts, scrapes and bruised coated his skin and dirt coated his clothes.

"After you get treated I will thank you too. Now hurry. You've already lost a huge amount of blood." turning on her hills Mia faced Richard concerned and for the first time I took a good luck at her appearance.

There was almost no part of her body which wasn't covered in dirt, wounds or blood. Her bare feet were slightly dark due to the dust, her legs and arms, also covered in dust, had cuts all over, but what shocked me the most in fact was her back. Fully exposed to the fact her t-shirt was ripped, most probably from a fight she had been, I noticed the amount of dried blood and scars on it.

Finally managing to get some of my strength back, I got up from the spot I had been sitting and approached Mia slowly. Brushing my fingertips lightly against her back I felt her flinch at my touch and jerking her head in my direction she stared at me almost as if pained.

"Sorry." I apologized suddenly feeling the urge to hug her tightly and ease all of her pain. "You should get treated soon before it infects."

"It looks worse than how it feels." giving me a weak smile she tried to reassure me but I couldn't take my worries eyes of her: she looked so frail and weak, just as if by touching her she would break into a million shards.

Realizing this, anger started to pill up inside me. Why was such a girl fighting? Why did she have to get involved? Mad I glared at Richard, however it did nothing but make me realize that he was just as mad as I, no, I mentally shook my head, he was much more than that, he was completely furious. There was such a killing intent around him that Mia, even though was looking at me, was probably able to feel it too.

Trying to calm myself I sighed and grabbed Mia putting her in my arms and looking at Richard with a smile.

"Hey there young man, would you be so kind as to point us towards the closest nurse?"

"Reyen, what are you doing?" flabbergasted Mia asked.

"What does it look like? I'm taking you to get treated."

"Put her down." Richard exclaimed trying to get up.

"Sorry man. I understand you might be jealous but I only carry ladies." winking at him I let out joyful.

"I am not jealous." annoyed by my remark Richard exclaimed, at least I had been able to get rid of his killing aura but I suspected that if I kept this up his killing intent would come back and I would be at the receiving end of it.

This exchange of word's seemed to amuse Mia because she let out the most wonderful laugh I had ever heard, making me blush for the second time that day.

"I never knew you were so close." she stated wiping a small tear in the corner of her eye.

"That is because we are not." Richard pouted looking away, only making me grin in return.

"Isn't he a meanie?" I asked looking down to Mia faking being hurt by his words. "Even if I wanted to be his friend he keeps pushing me away. I'm so lonely." at this point I was completely engrossed in teasing Richard that for a second forgot the main purpose as to why this play had begun.

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