16th chapter: What the future holds

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Reyen's PoV

It had passed a couple of hours since we had arrived and the sun had already set; Mia had been taken care of and was resting in a room that had been prepared for her, Richard was currently reporting what had happen in the demon world to his father while I was roaming around the castle.

I finally came to a stop, after walking for a good ten minutes, in front of a door which was identified as the library by a sign of a book hanging from a horizontal silver bar stick to the wall. Deciding it didn't hurt to keep myself busy for a while I entered somehow interested in what kind of books this world would have it there.

The library was bigger than what I had envisioned, with two floors only accessible through a staircase located at the end of the room, a big table with twenty four seats on the left side and bookshelves craved into the walls, in fact there wasn't a single bookshelf laying around like you would normally find in a proper library, all of them were as one with the walls.

Taking in the appearance of the library I came to the realisation it had a high resemblance with the library from Beauty and the Beast, my little sister's, Hanna, favourite movie and therefore as her older brother I used to watch it all the time with her, that is, until she passed away.

"You'd definitely love this, Hanna." with a smile I said closing my eyes. "I guess I don't have another choice but to enjoy it for you so that when we're reunited again I can tell you all about it."

Ever since she had passed away six years ago, from time to time I would find myself talking out loud just as if she was standing right next to me. At first I would curse myself for not being able to move on but now I had gotten used to it and deep down it kind of helped me to let go. It was very strange but I felt at peace this way.

Moving away from the door I started to walk towards the table at the end observing the books on the shelves. There were thousands of books, more than I could count, all divided into a sections properly labelled. Trying to understand what each label meant would only be a waste of time as they were written in spirit language or so I assumed. Reaching the wall at the end, next to the rectangular and long table, something caught my eye. Amidst the books, one stood from the rest with its golden cover and a strange symbol, on its spine, resembling a pair of wings. Instinctively I looked up to the name of the section to which only that booked belonged to and unlike the rest I could actually read it; written in bold black letter was HUMAN-GUARDIAN.

"Hey there. You're Reyen, right?" a voice behind me echoed through the room as I was about to reach for the book and I jerked my head in its direction ending up staring at Silver, the source of it.

"Ah, yes." I nodded still a bit stunned.

I hadn't even noticed he had entered the room, so figure finding him behind me had startled me.

"Did I scare you? Sorry about that." he apologized with a smile standing now next to me.

"No, it's okay. I guess I was too focused on my thoughts."

"It happens to all of us." he retorted and this time I was the one to smile at him. "Anyway, I was actually looking for you."

"You were? What for?" I asked intrigued until a thought run through my mind. "You're not going to hug me too, are you?" I asked stepping back a bit remembering the hug the king had given me.

"Hug? Oh, I see you've met my father!" he exclaimed. "Don't worry, that's not what I want." Silver reassured me. "In fact I want to thank you."

"Thank me? Now I'm lost." I proclaimed not understanding what was going on.

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