25th Chapter: Let's eat some cake

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Special dedication to BradonVarnell whose books inspire me to be a better writer.
Thank you!

Mia's PoV

"I'm leaving now!" I heard my mother say from the bottom of the stairs.

I got up from where I had been reading a book Judy recommend, to go and say goodbye. The book's genre wasn't what I usually read but "A Fox's Love" by BrandonVarnell had proved to be quite entertaining and had already made its way through my heart, for not only was the story heartwarming but the illustrations provided really made it an amazing reading experience.

"Enjoy yourself and be careful. Call me as soon as you arrive so that I know you're safe and don't go out at night by yourself." I warned my mother as I reached downstairs and placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Woah there, I'm supposed to be the mother." with a playful smile my mother said and I showed her a small smile.

"I know, but I'm still worried." I admitted with downcast eyes.

"Don't worry sweetie. Everything's going to be alright." and giving me a kiss on my forehead, my mother left the house and entered the car that was already waiting for her.

After seeing my mother off I came back inside and sat in the living room contemplating the ceiling. Many years had passed since my father's death but even so I still felt uneasy every time my mother had to go to a business trip for a few days. Deep down I always felt a tad bit afraid that my mother would suffer the same fate as my father and that I'd lose her too, leaving me all alone.

I was still dwelling in such feelings and worst case scenarios when I felt Heart's presence in the necklace.

"You can come out, my mother just left for a business trip."

As soon as I finished saying that, golden sparks filled the room and Heart appeared in his spirit from but soon assuming his human one.

"Hello Mia."

"Hi." smiling at him I gave back a greeting.

"So, your mother is not here?"

"No. I'll be by myself the whole weekend."

"I will keep you company then." Heart said smiling my way.

"You don't really have to."

"Mia, you cannot lie to me. I can feel you are uneasy. Besides, not only can I keep you sage but also it's my birthday so I would like to spend it with you."

"W-Wait?! Your birthday?!" getting up from the couch in a jump I repeated and Heart nodded. "We have to celebrate it. Let's go buy a cake for you!" and grabbing Heart's hand I pulled him out of the house and towards the closest cake shop.

Heart's PoV

After being dragged around by Mia for about five minutes we finally reached a cake shop.

The shop has a simplistic look but very welcoming nonetheless; in the vitrine a great variety of cakes were displayed, all which looked rather tasty, might I add, there were strawberry cakes, chocolate ones, cakes with cream and what more.

Letting go of my hand, Mia crouched down admiring the vitrine, then after a while she turned to me.

"Which one do you prefer? Strawberry short cake or chocolate cake?"

"Anything is fine. Choose the one you like the most." I answered with a smile.

"It's your cake so you choose." retorting Mia let out and I shook my head.

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