Understanding the world of "The Guardian"

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In order to be able to understand better the world where this story takes place I've decided to post this "enlightenment"  (you don't really need to read this to get the story but it might help a bit)

In the world of "The Guardian" there are three different main races: Humans, Demons and Spirits.
Like in our world, where us humans evolved from a determined ancestor, it happened the same way in the world of the story. Humans, Demons and Spirits both come from the same ancestor but later on took "different paths" and evolved in different ways. Just like "apes" (sorry for the generalization of the word but I do not wish to start a history lecture) are a different path in the evolution of the ancestor we have in common, see my point?

So in order to clarify I'll be explaining the differences. 

Humans: Well, humans are, humans you know? Just like you and me :) We're both animal and... hum... not animal? Neither of the halves overlap the other so to say, each half is in harmony with each other.

Demons: Demons are the race which when evolving embraced the animal side of them, but don't get mistaken by that, they're just as rational as humans. By embracing that side, they've kept animal like characteristics like tails, horns and pointy teeth, not only that but they also rely on their instincts very much - what we call animal instinct - and that has allowed them to survive through countless perils and catastrophes. If I were to say, if there was an apocalypse of any sort, demons would be the most likely race to survive. 

Spirits: Spirits are the opposite of the demons, they've almost completely erased the animal side to them turning them into "holy" creatures. They're one with the nature and live in harmony with the rest of the world (kind of makes you think of them as mythical creatures of a forest , no? xD)

So in other words:
The animal half overlaps the no animal half in the demons;

The no animal half overlaps the animal half in the spirits;

And the humans are just fifty-fifty. 

Anyway, before finishing my "enlightenment" that might not be so enlightening in the end, I've got to warn you to not be mistaken by the words "demons" and "spirits" and immediately assume "evil" and "good" respectively. Demons don't represent evil nor do spirits represent good, they're just different races and one should be simply judged by their actions rather than the race they belong to. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this, hope I could make my feelings reach you. 


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