My Time in Lalaland...

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SO this is our first story yet and not just one but three people are writing it namely Bhavisha, Vishva and Anushna. We shall try to write the chapters individually and update regularly.

Do not hesitate to comment, vote and fan this story or share it!

Enough with my blabbering... ENJOY!



And then he leans in and kisses me....

*I got a pocket got a pocket full of sunshine

I got a love that I know is all mine

oh oh oh

do what you want-*

"Ugh, stupid alarm" I said to myself as I rose up from my bed, grumpy and sleepy. I wanted to finish my dream! Tyler was about to kiss me! Tyler is my guy best friend and also the guy I have a HUGE crush on since four years. Its not his fault that he is the mixture of an Abercrombie and Fitch model and a Greek god. Which reminds me.. Yesterday he looked hot in the navy blue jacket and-

"Ella, come down here now that you are awake! Breakfast is ready!" my mum yelled from downstairs. I guess my Pocket Full Of Sunshine alarm is loud enough for the entire house to hear. Which is A LOT. Considering the size of my house which most people think of as a miniature large sized palace. And here what I'm saying doesn't even make sense. Well this is me!

I dragged myself to the bathroom and went through the daily routine when I just happened to glance at the clock. Holy fudgecakes! It was 8:15 and school starts at 8:30!! I didnt want to be late! I imitated Superman and doubled my speed and in a hurry put on the first pieces of clothing I saw in the closet. I ran downstairs, stuffed a piece of toast in my mouth and barged out of the house only to find Ashley sitting in her BMW Z3 singing along the song playing in her car. I smiled at her and joined her inside and we drove off.

" Where's Tyler?" i asked her.

"He had early football practice today, we'll see him in school." she said in a bored way.

I nodded as we sang along to Kiss You by One Direction blaring through the speakers.

Ashley turned to me and stated " I like your outfit. Its original!" I looked down. Oh My God. What am i wearing! I was surprised the find myself in something actually cute! oh well...

We reached school and made our way towards the lockers. A lot of people greeted me on the way. Yeah you could say i was popular. Being in the cheerleading team does boost your popularity.

" So yesterday guess who I saw!" ashley spoke excitedly to me.

"Michael Jackson." I replied, looking at her warily.

"No silly, I saw Brooke Paige... the editor chick... of Cosmo...." Ashley extended her sentence, noticing my clueless face.

"Cool!" I faked a grin.

And then I saw HIM.. Tyler came running towards us in his football clothing, his brown hair all messed up and blue eyes shining. his muscles rippled as he jogged. Holy flapadoodles... I think i might die right now...

" Earth to Ella! Are you even listening? Stop ogling over Tyler! You are making your crush on him way too obvious. So as I was saying he commented on my sense of fashion-" Ashley blabbered on her thin hands moving around. Yes, she knows about my crush on Tyler being my best friend. Tyler reached us.

"Hey" he said in that intoxicating voice of his.

"Hi!" I squeaked. seriously what happens to me when he is around?

"so there's a party at Logan's this Saturday. You two coming?"

"sure" Ashley and I said in unison.

"Cool. By the way i wont be coming with you guys today after school. I have date" he said winking.

Did i mention that he is a guy who girls die for and he is a player? Probably not.

"who is the lucky girl?" Ashley said smirking.

"I wont tell you. Haha i'm evil!" he said chuckling like a mad man.

Oh his kissable soft lips and his smile... that dimple he gets on his left cheek and that tiny scar on his chin. i wanna kiss him all day... I thought going back to Lalaland.

I liked my life the way it was. Little did i know it would all change in the next few days...



So I imagine Ella to be Selena Gomez. Why not ? :P

So this was written by me, Bhavisha

follow me on Instagram : bhavisha98

Sorry for the short chappie.. but i swear we'll make it longer dpending on the voted and comments. next update will be within the next two days.





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