The Big Match

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The next morning I woke up grumpily because it was a Monday. I imagined myself shooting the annoying Pocket Full Of Sunshine alarm clock as I woke up. Why do I keep it if its annoying, you ask. Well because its maddening I actually bother too wake up and shut it off.

After getting ready and stuff I met Ashley outside my house. Tyler was there and so was Justin. Ugh, don't tell me he's joining our carpool. 

I sat with Tyler at the back and got busy gazing at him while he looked at his phone typing. 

"Hey El, I hope you got your cheerleading uniform with you. The big math is today! I'm soo excited!" Ash squealed. How could I forget the big match? I would never forget anything that would involve Tyler practising shirtless and me showing off my cheerleading skills at him. We reached school and Ash, Tyler and I made our way towards the Gym after Justin kissed Ash goodbye. Ew! But thankfully Justin had not said anything while the ride that would make me kick him in the ass. Trust me, I've done that before with others in middle school. 

Ash and I changed into our uniform that consisted of a VERY short skirt and a top that showed off our toned stomach. Our school mascot was printed at the back of the top and the whole outfit was white and black with a little bit of blue here and there. Over all, it was cute and managed to get the attention of boys.

Tyler  stripped off his T and I almost fainted. I tried to practice with my squad and Ash giggled, noticing my awkwardness. The boys began shooting the balls into the basket and dribbling. All of them were shirtless but only two got my attention. No surprise here, one was Tyler and the other Zach. That guy had well defined abs and muscles. Again, no surprise that he was in the basketball team. He was the captain before he shifted too. Oo, Tyler notcied I was looking at Zach and came towards me, flashed a grin and tried to get my attention by shooting the ball in the basket from the end of the court. His Mission was accomplished! 

The girls and I then formed a pyramid with me on the top and everytime I'm on the top it feels great! I tried very hard to balance myself and then stood there for 5 seconds as instructed, smiling like mad and then I came down. I think that was the time Zach finally noticed me and smirked at me. 

The match would start in an hour. It was against The Owls of Riverdale High School, a school that had hated my school from the start. This match would prove which one was the best. And let me tell you, The Owls are one group of aggressive and determined boys.


"GO RAVENS!" we yelled as we entered the court. The crowd went mad and cheered. It was a custom that every person had to paint the raven's symbol on his cheek during any match so everyone had one, even us. I immediately felt pumped up and excited. A huge Raven poster was stuck in the middle of the entrance where Ty and his team came from. They tore the poster as they entered, Tyler in the front being the captain. The crowd went madder, if such a thing was possible. The Owls then entered earning a lot of boos from the crowd as the match was held in our school. Many of them winked at us even though we were part of their least liked school. Ash made a face at them and the rest of us copied her, earning cheers from the crowd. I grinned. Boy, this felt good. At one corner the coach was yelling at a boy who had managed to sneak in a bottle of beer. i rolled my eyes at them. The usual. 

The match started. The crowd went silent. The ball was in Tyler's hand as he made his way towards the basket. He cleverly dodged an Owl and BASKET! The crowd did a Mexican Wave and Tyler winked at me as the boys chest bumped him. I blushed and and began cheering with pom poms in my hand. 


The owls did a basket again! HALF-TIME!

The Ravens needed to shoot thrice to win and it was kinda impossible. The boys huddled in one circle with the coach.

"Okay, girls, we'll do the pyramid when the ravens score a point. And El? You are at the top so no mistakes okay?" Ash siad in a businesslike manner. The girls nodded and some of them resumed back to adjusting the outfit and makeup. I reapplied my lipgloss and I barely managed to put my lipgloss back in my bag when I realized that the match had already started and Zach was nearing the basket with the ball. We got ready to form the pyramidas he shot the ball. I quickly made myself to the top and balanced and stood cheering, waiting for five seconds to get over. I saw Zach grinning at a person in the crowd. It was Emma who then sent him a flying kiss. I got that anger feeling again and suddenly my leg slipped-


I panicked as I was mid-air and could feel the crwod going silent, observing me. I thought fast and did a somersault in the air and landed on my feet. Thank God. 

The crowd cheered like hell and Ash came and hugged me. The girls started praiding and stuff and I saw both Tylere and Zach smiling at me, forgetting about the match. 

The it was like my stunt had given them an energy boost and Tyler and Zach had a competiton between who could score more. 





They both glared at each other as the match ended and the crowd ran towards them and the Owls sulked in one corner. What was going on? Shouldn't they be happy that the Ravens won the match because of them? Ugh, boys are so confusing!


long chapter!!! Whats gonna happen between the two next?

So this chapter was written by me - Bhavisha! 





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