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Tyler and Zach are the exactly alike. Both of them are good looking or shall I say heavenly. It looks like God took a whole amount of time to create them. They have an amazing body. Both of them play basketball and when they play shirtless, I don't think any girl can contain themselves.I can stare at them the whole day without getting tired or bored. I CANNOT THINK THIS WAY ABOUT ZACH. OKAY, I KNOW HE'S PRETTY ATTRACTIVE BUT I LIKE TYLER. I JUST ADMIRE HIS HOTNESS, THAT'S ALL. Okay Ella now focus you have to clean the house now. Aria's coming over. I don't even know why I need to clean it.

Thats so amazing, she's my favourite cousin. I can share any secret with her. Its like you cant hide anything. We are so close. We can talk about the most ramdom topics. And gossiping with her is the most fun part. She's like my soul sister.

I dont know why mom's telling me to clean my room, A's not a guest frankly speaking.

I was kinda surprised when she called up and asked whether she could come, normally she used to just appear at our doorstep.Oh god, I hope she's not planning something.

*Ting Tong*

"Ella can you please open the door?" Mom screamt from downstairs.

"Yeah mom!" I answered excitedly.

I ran down the stairs in vampire speed and opened the door. I was so breathless that I couldn't even say hi.

"SUSPENSE!!" Aria said.

"Its "surprise" genius. And I already knew you were coming." I said making air quotes with my hands for the word surprise.

"Whatever. Now shall i invite myself to come in?" she asked me with one of her eyebrows raised.

"Do you even need an invite?"

"True that bioch. Beeteedubs I've got great news....." she said in a suspense kinda way making her self comfortable on the couch. I know, she's got a "BLONDE" vocab.

"What?" I said getting impatient. Because all of A's news were really fun. They were actaully gossip and never news. But who doesnt like gossip!

She removed a paper from her side bag and shoved it in my hands. After I finished reading it my mouth flew open.

"Oh my God!!" I cried. "You got enrolled in my school!"

"Yeah yeah. Now thats not the best part. The best part is that i will stay at your place the whole freakin year! You're now officially priveleged Bitch."

"Oh my god! is this a dream? How did I get so lucky? " I said with sarcasm.

She got up and started her way towards the kitchen,ignoring me.

"Hey Aunt Suze." she greeted my mom as she opened the fridge.

"Hi Aria. How are you? Now that you've told Ella that your staying here lets discuss the rules." my mom said.

"So wait, You knew about her enrolment?" I asked her. "Yeah ofcourse i did." she replied like a know-it-all.

"Great, my sister is all buddy-buddy with my mom." I said with a fake smile.



Hey people. Short chapter huh! I know.. It was just a filler. Really sorry though.

Btw this was writen by me, Ann.

The next update will be by tomorrow.

Thanks to all the readers and likers. Your response was great.

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Toodles! :P

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