I want to diet on Gummy Bears..

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Yes. Seeing Tyler kissing Emily like that did break my heart. No, that would be an understatement. It felt as if my heart was removed, stomped on, run over by a truck and then thrown in garbage. It hurt that much. I knew last night must have not meant much for him and i did kinda predict he would be kissing some girl in lunch before but it did hurt.

Ashley must have seen my crestfallen face so she ran over to Tyler and tapped him on the shoulder. Man, that girl has some balls... 

" So, is THIS your new girlfriend?" Ashley asked Tyler who was kind of shocked, emphasizing on the word 'this'. Emily was crearly not happy with Ash's interference.

"Um, yeah. Ashley meet Emily, Emily meet-" 

"Oh, I know who she is, after all she is in the cheerleading squad despite lacking some major cheerleading qualities." Ashley interrupted Tyler, clearly insulting Emily on the face. Way to go Ash! I could kiss ya! 

"Excuse me?" Emily made a face at Ashley. "i so-"

"Girls, chill." Tyler cut in before this turned into a major catfight. There's one thing I have learnt by being Ash's best friend all these years is that never have a catfight with that girl. I repeat, NEVER. That girl can  have a sumo wrestler begging for mercy at her feet. And believe me, I'm not exaggerating.

 Tyler finally noticed me and gave me a weak smile. I'm beginning to doubt that he doesn't really like me in that way or he would have been embarrassed being found out making out with a girl by me. 

So the day really didn't go that well. 


Friday! Last day before the weekend! Whoopie! I hope the day goes well or else I would... I would.. I would... yes! I would eat gummy bears till I gained 10 pounds and not eat anything else! I hope not...

Then i went through my daily routine and decided to wear something pretty today. I picked a casual summery dress that ended where my fingertips reached and had a belt just under the bust.My mom had got this for me from Milan and this was the first time I was wearing it. I decided to wear a short jacket on top of it and the outifr wa completed with a pair of 4 inch nude heels. I met Ash in her car and surprisingly Tyler was there with us after a long time.

"Hey guys!" I chirped.

Ash was busy texting someone so I went and sat with Tyler.

"Hey, you look nice." Tyler told me.

Eeeeeeekk!!! Tyler told me i looked nice!!! That had to mean he liked me didn't it? Or maybe I was just overreacting and realised I had to reply to him. I smiled at hime.

"So, what's up?" I tried to make conversation as Ashley began driving and singing I Knew You Were Trouble along the radio. Very horribly. Of Ash's many qualities, singing is not one of them.

"I broke up with Emily." Tyler said. I looked at him shocked.

"You have just dated her for like, 2 days. What's wrong?"

"She was being too clingy." Thats it? Tyler broke up with Emily just because she was being clingy? I knew there was something more but I didn't ask further questions. Maybe he likes someone. Hmmm... who can that be?  

We reached school and Tyler went for basketball practice and suddenly Candace popped up from nowhere.

"Guys, I have gossip." she said, eyes glittering. Seriously I think she's like our Gossip Girl, telling us all the gossip.

"you are not going to NOT tell us even if we don't wanna hear it so speak." i told her.

"I heard that Zach Reynolds has asked out some freshman chick and they are dating. I still dont know who." Great, so even Zach found a girlfriend. Just great. not that I like him. Wait, then why was I still thinking about this little thing?

You like him.

I don't.

Yes, you do.

I don't!

Explain your thinking about him then.

I think I was seriously going mad. From swearing to eat Gummy bears to having a debate with myself I wonder what's next.

But did I like him? 


So, longish chapter huh... 

So does Ella have feelings for Zach? And who's the mystery girl? And what was the real reason behind Tyler breaking up with Emily? So many questions.... 

So this chapter was written by Bhavisha!

Follow me on Instagram : bhavishah98 





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