I've got it bad

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Ella's POV:

"Finally!" I sighed. I mean how longer did you think I'd survive in that hell hole. Stupid flight. That nerd. Urgh! I mean, seriously I have nothing against them. I actually envy them at times you know? They can be themselves and shit? Yeah, that part pretty much sucked for me. People had expectations from me. I was a cheerleader after all and I was expected to remain plastic. But as you can see, I sucked at that. Oh well, atleast I wasn't one of those cliche cheerleaders.Now, that would have been a sight.

So finally, we took our bags of the counter and bid our farewells promising that we'd meet tomorrow at the Met, our usual hangout spot.

Picking up my bags I strolled out of the airport, hoping to see my parents. But, ofcourse, all I got was disappointement. Being an only child was not that easy. Never, have I , in my life talked about my true feelings to someone. I wasn't obviously the depressed cheerleader. For all I know, you might be thinking of me as Peyton from One Tree Hill. Hell no. I was preppy, yes. I've just never experienced love, that's all. I thought I had, with Tyler, but clearly I was wrong.

I walked toward my assigned taxi.

"Hey, Ella, wait."

Zach's Pov:

" Hey Ella, wait" I called out to her.

She turned around, confused.

God, her face. I wanted to go right there and kiss her and call her mine

Hell, what happened to not getting attached to chicks?

I sound like a fucking girl.

But she just looked so oblivious. She was. She didn't know she was beautiful. She knew she was hot. Hell, everyone knew that. But she is so beautiful. The way her hair flies. Those different shades of eyes that she has. The sparkly ones when she's excited. The pale ones when she's thinking. The watery ones when she's sad. It all got to me. No girl has ever been able to do that before. She didn't even know it. She wasn't even trying.

She makes me want to stop sleeping around. She makes me wanna- Urgh- screw this. I sound like a fucking pussy.

I need to break up with Emily. I mean Emma. I genuinely don't even know how I was with her. She was a pretend princess. I don't even know why I was nice to her. Guess it was just because I wanted to show El I wasn't a jerk. I just never found anyone worthy enough. I know, I know, its shallow.

"El, here."

She walked upto me.

"Hey, what's up?" She said.

"Want a ride?" I offered.

"Sure" she said.

She didn't get in though.

"Well? What are you waiting for? The moonlight?" I teased.

"No, you dumbfuck. I am a lady. I am tired. I have bags. Use your dumb ass senses and put my luggage in the car and open the door for me." she said pissed.

Damn, she looked hot when she was angry.

Chuckling, I got out and put her bags in the car and helped her in.

I started the car and we remained in comfortable silence.

"So you all ready for the back to school party?" she said, breaking the silence.

"WHy should I be ready? Geez, I hope you don't think that I'm gay."

"Nah.With the amount of banging you do everyday, I'm pretty sure you're straight."

I smirked in cockiness.

"Why do you do that anyway?"

"Well, for one reason, none of those girls made me want to be with them again you know?"

She nodded understandingly.

"What about Emma?" She said with a hint of something in her eyes. God! I wish that's jealousy.

"She was just.. I don't really know why I kept her around. She didn't mean anything to me."


"Yeah, I'm gonna break up with her today. She's being too clingy." I said.

I expected her to shout at me, for being so mean. But instead she just chuckled. Amused, I looked at her.

"Besides, girls just love players now don't they?" I said wriggling my eyebrows.

"You wish." she said muttering something under her breath like how'd he know.

"Aah, so I see, you like those badass jerks. Well then babe, you're in luck. Wanna come over tonight?"

She just played along. 

Moving closer to my face, she whispered sexily.

"What room babe?"

This was something many had the guts to do. But when she did it, I knew it was her. She's perfect.


I jerked backwards only to realise we had reached her house and the cars behind were honking.

"See you later" She whispered in the same manner and got off. What is she? She can be wild, outgoing, shy and sexy at the same time. What is she doing to me?

With that I texted Emma saying that we are no more together. She started calling but I just switched off my phone not wanting to deal with it. I just wanted to think about Ella. Yeha, man, I'd got it bad.


SO this is kind of a filler.

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