Well,No Shit Sherlock

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Before I start, we just wanted to Thankyou if you'll are still reading Heart atttack. It means too much. Thankyou!

-Viv,Bhavi,Ann xox

Now,on to the story-


Here I was, sitting between two guys who are practically waiting to rip each others balls out.

It was Biology and we had to do a stupid assignment on some topic I don't really remember. Turns out, it was a group project,of threes! I was paired up with Zach an Ty. Just my luck! I sound like an incessant complaining bitch right now. I know,but you have not experienced the tension between the two. It makes me want to puke.

"The assignment should be submitted by tomorrow." Mr Evans,our Biology teacher said.

Everyone nodded, and the bell rang.

"Umm..how about both of you'll come to my place for the project?" I asked.

"El, you do realise that the project needs to be done at the mall." Tyler said

"The mall? What is this, a shopping project?" I asked excitedly.

"No, we need to watch the movie you dumbhead." Zach said annoyed.

"Hey, don't get your knickers in a twist."I said,faking a British accent.

"Whatever man,I'll meet you both there after school." he said, giving me a glare.

"Woah, someones on their monthly cycle." Tyler said.

I chuckled. But something was wrong with him. Maybe it was because he had to work with Ty. I really had to find out.

"Hey Ty, what's your deal with Zach?"

"Nothing" he said with a completely straight face. Dude, what the hell?

"Meet me at the parking lot after school, I'll take you to the mall." Ty said.


Later, I went to my  locker after lunch with Ash to get my books.

"Hi,I'm Emma." said a voice.

Emma? I tried remembering her. I felt like a robot searching throuhgh the files of my brain. Oh, here it is. Emma Brown, Za-

"I'm Zach's girlfriend." She said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh, Hi!"

She was really pretty and popular.Maybe even more than Candace, considering Candi was too stupid. Emma had long Blonde hair that reached her waist and were perfectly smooth. Her blue eyes had a glint of excitedness in them and her full lips were smiling. She was skinny, I think she starved herslelf. Her make-up was perfect. Not too much, not too less. I could see why Zach liked her.How could he possibly like me if he has someone like her? Wait, where the hell did that come from? I DO NOT LIKE ZACH! I LIKE TYLER.

"Listen, I was just wondering are you going to the mall with Zach today?" she asked

"Yes, well even Tyler will be there."

"Listen here you bitch, just because your a cheerleader doesn't mean Zach belongs to you." She said evily. All my respect for her vanished. She wants to be a bitch? Oh, I can be one as well.

"Ooh, jealous much? Well, let me tell you something horse face, you can have your Zach and shove your ego up your dick. I am sure you have one, considering that litlle moustache you got up there." I said with a sweet smile.

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