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Ella’s P.O.V.

Nobody cared. Out of all the toys in the world, people decide to play with feelings. I had been hurt in such a way that had no chance of getting healed. My feelings had been played with. It felt as if my heart was removed, stamped, thrown and as if a truck had ran over it. There was no hope for that happy-go-lucky, enthusiastic girl to come back.

I came back to reality when I felt myself caged into a pair of arms. I couldn’t control my tears they stung their way down my cheeks. Sasha was whispering something continuous in my ear, consoling me, maybe, but I didn’t pay attention.

The only thought in my head was, ‘why did he do this to me? What had I done to deserve this? All I had done was trust him blindly and loved him, first as a best friend, and as his so-called-girlfriend.’

I was no longer encircled in Sasha’s arms. I felt like I was being stared at. She was continuously saying something like, “Yo! Ma gurrl, all the guys are like that. Don’t give a shit. You, a hot bomb, any dawg will fall for ya! Now I gotta idea, let’s go get drunk till we forget our names.” If I was the girl I was yesterday, I would have laughed at her comment. But now I think ‘laughter’ is no more a word in my dictionary. Sasha was all chilled out. Little did she know, He had taken the one thing from me, which I could never get back.

I couldn’t make eye contact with her. If I did I was afraid I would tell her the reason I was broken. She was a stranger, which I had just me today, I couldn’t trust her, what if she was acting to be my friend like… Ashley. That bitch. I had no words for her. Because of two people. TWO, I don’t think I will be able to trust anyone.

“I… n-need some t-time a-alone.” I stammered between sobs. I was amazed the voice had successfully crawled out of my throat. She looked at me sympathetically and retreated. “Don’t do something reckless. Life’s too precious to just give away because of one heart break.” Saying that she left.


I don’t know what time it was. I heard a knock on the door, again. I didn’t bother to get up from the bed. Then I heard the door being closed. I looked up to see who it was this time. The person was Aria. She exclaimed loudly, so I guess I looked like a ‘bad’ mess. I felt numb and I’m sure my eyes were red and puffy for crying all day.

Maybe Zach had told her. She sat cautiously on the bed as if I was a delicate thing which would break if there was a little movement. Well I think I would. Then she took hold of my hand and said, “I heard.” That’s all she said. She was looking at me with concerned eyes. It looked as if she was going to cry too. All I did was nod my head. Well at least now I knew my brain was functioning.

There was another knock on the door. Aria got up and opened it, revealing Liam behind it. When they walked to the bed, I noticed something, they were holding hands. “Did I m-miss something?” I asked curiously.

Aria blushed. Liam answered with a wink, “Not much.” At least my sister’s happy. “by the way, I heard what that bastard did and now he’s going to get a broken jaw as a gift.” He added.  “yeah, I don’t mind kicking him in his jewels with my stilettoes.” Aria offered, too.

Them talking about him was like rubbing salt on my open wounds and I burst into tears again. I don’t know why but I feel a little stupid, crying in front of everyone and I’m tired of all the sympathetic looks from people. It was my entire fault. If I had refused to do it, I wouldn’t be this sad. ONE NIGHT and it felt my world had crumpled down.

“Oh baby stop crying.” Aria said rubbing my shoulder. Liam had his arm wrapped around me. I buried my face in his chest and continued crying. His shirt was getting socked, but he didn’t even care. He cupped my face in his palms and said, in a dead serious way, “He will pay to make you cry.”

Aria’s phone rang. She picked it up. It looked as in the person on the other line was the only one doing the talking because, after long pauses she would say, ‘uhu..ohk..kay..uhm..i get it…fine.’ With that she cut the phone. Then she looked at mine and Liam’s direction. She eyed him and he got up. What did she men? “Uhm, El we got to go. We will meet you in an hour or so. If that’s fine with you.” Ash waited for my reply patiently. “Yeah sure. See you’ll.” I replied with a fake smile. With that they left and I was left alone in my bubble of depression.

Aria’s P.O.V.

“Hey Zach, what’s up?” I greeted Zach as Liam and I met him at the cruise’s lobby. I don’t know why he called us here because right now I should be sitting near Ella, not here.

“Hey guys. How is she now?” he asked, concerned. Why do I feel he likes her? Like in a like-like way. But isn’t he dating Emma? Urghh… Whatever.

“No change. She’s still crying.” Liam replied.

“You’ll need to know something.” Zach confessed. Oh boy, this should be good.

“What? Whatever it is make it fast. I need to go back to Els!” I said impatiently. Why can’t I resist gossip even at times like these!

“I went to meet her in the morning today and she kicked me out of her room saying something like all guys are the same and they can’t be trusted and stuff. She looked so hurt that..umm..how do I say, I want to do something so that she can smile again. And…”

“And?” I said raising an eye brow.

“I think I like her… A lot.” He said, staring at the marble flooring. “And I want to do something extra ordinary for her, so that she can realise how special she is.”

“Oh. My. God! Someone’s in love.” Liam said in a squeaky voice, which made us laugh. God, I love him so much. I know he’ll betray my trust.

“So what’s your master plan, lover boy?” I said teasingly.

“I thought I could take her for the Ocean Bed Walking tomorrow.” He said. “But you both will have to convince her into coming because she hates me right now, and won’t come if I tell her to come. Please do it.” He added pleadingly.

“Obviously we will. Mission: Get Ella started.” I said enthusiastically.



Hoped youll liked it. Sorry for the late update last time. Now we will try to be more punctual.


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