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Evelyn's POV


Queen Marissa Fairchild-Baxter of Foxien has confirmed that her seventeen year old daughter, Princess Courtney Baxter, is betrothed to the heir apparent of Newglade, Prince Nolan Payne, and that the wedding is due in a month, on the princess's birthday.

When asked for details about the whole arranged marriage situation, our beloved young lady simply walked away. However, her stepbrother, Prince Archer Fairchild, was more than happy to share.

"Nolan's a great guy," Archer states. "When he and his family visited, we'd always hang out. Courtney would never join us, though. She didn't like hanging out with people, or meeting new ones. It's been two years since I've last seen him, I'm sure he'll make my sister very happy."

I sigh and close the tab from my phone. Don't get me wrong, I love reading gossip. But I just can't help but feel for the princess and how she must be feeling.

Opening up my HoverScreen, I search up "Princess Courtney" in the browser's search engine and wait. A beautiful young lady with long blonde locks of hair and blue-grey eyes stares back at me after the page has loaded. A small smile is displayed on her face, and she stands with her family in a photograph. I can tell that it's been edited, although many other people probably can't. Then again, I'm a model-in-training, pretty much exposed to the world of editing.

I've been told countless times that I look like her, and if you look at us, we do look alike. However, if you study closely, you'll see that my hair is a darker shade of blonde, and my eyes are a green-grey rather than a blue-grey colour.

"What did you do to deserve this?" I whisper at the young woman, my thumb barely touching the screen as I brush over her golden tresses.


Hey guys <3 Hope you enjoyed this first part! Sorry if it's a bit short, it is the prologue after all ahaha, and first parts are always so dumb and badly written, especially by us..

We promise to try and make the rest of the chapters approximately a thousand words long, if not more :D

Question of the Chapter: What do you think Courtney will be like? Leave answers below :3

- Zalie <3

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