Chapter Twenty Nine

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Evelyn's POV

A knock on the door wakes me from my midday nap. "Come in," I mumble, sitting up slowly and fixing my hair.

One of the nurses (Rowena I think?) walks in, bowing her head politely, which I do back. "I have been sent by the doctor to inform you that the princess Courtney has returned to Foxien and is currently being hospitalized."

I widen my eyes. "Oh God. Is she alright, alive at least?"

"Yes, my lady. She is also awake, but still recovering. Mister Hastings and I found her on her way back to the palace when she collapsed."

Nodding quickly, I rise to my feet. "Am I permitted to see her?" I question.

Rowena nods slowly. "I don't see why not."

I thank her with a nod and a smile before slipping out of my room, making my way towards the infirmary. There's only one bed with the curtains drawn.


I open the curtains to find the princess and her tutor together, lips pressed against each other's. Not so passionately and roughly that it's disturbing, but softly, as if to reassure the other person.

Courtney pulls away gently, and she looks at me, a little flushed. "Evelyn. I'm so glad to see you."

Jordan stands up and takes her hand, kissing it softly. "You need only call if you need me," he murmurs, sending her a soft smile before walking out.

I sink into the soft mattress, holding the princess's smooth hand gently. "What happened? Are you okay?"

Instead of lying, like I'd expected, she shakes her head immediately. "A-As soon as I got to Newglade, as soon as I saw Nolan.. I knew this wasn't a good idea. I knew I would regret it. And I was right.." She pulls up her sleeves to show a long red mark.. scratch.. going from her elbows to her hands on both arms.

My mouth widens, my lips going dry. "Courtney.."

"And that's barely the worst of it," she goes on, her voice barely a whisper. She moves her hands to work at her dress, but I hold her thigh tightly.

"I get the picture. Why do you have all these?"

"He's an abusive little fuck. He just wanted me for sex, and once I denied he started hurting me. He had a knife. He used his hands to make bruises. And I hate myself for letting that happen." The last sentence is wobbly, as though she's on the verge of bursting into tears.

"It's not your fault," I reassure slowly. "It's his fault, and we can put a stop to it soon."

"We can't," she starts, and I see her bottom lip quivering. "If we say anything about it to him, or anyone really, it's going to start another world war. Everyone will die."

"Courtney, look at me." I hold her shoulders and stare into her glossy eyes, staying silent for a moment before continuing. "Tell your parents. They can help."

She sends me a nonchalant shrug, a glare hidden behind her tears. "I really can't, Ev."

"Then I will," I snap, rising to my feet. Before I can get even a metre away, she grabs my wrist tightly, surprisingly firm for the state she's in.

"No. I'll do it. Give me a few days," she replies, and I can hear an urgent plead in her voice.

I sigh out, sitting back down, and she lets go. "Fine. Only three days." Her smile back is weak, but grateful nonetheless.

Rowena suddenly makes her way in, blinking in disbelief for a second. Probably wondering how we look so alike. Shaking her head, she gestures to the curtains. "The prince would like to see you, my lady."

"Send him in," Courtney mumbles, but Rowena shakes her head once more.

"I meant the Lady Evelyn, Your Highness. I would never refer to you otherwise."

She nods quickly. "Right. Well, you'd best be going." Her expression turns a little grave. Does she know about what happened? I wonder, before rising to my feet and walking out.

Archer is pacing across the room, face scrunched up in thought. When he sees my feet, he looks up quickly. "Ev!"

"Evelyn," I correct, then pause. "I mean, it's Evelyn, Your Highness." I say the last phrase through gritted teeth.

"Sorry, Evelyn." He bows his head a little, and I curtsey back on instinct. "Is my sister alright?"

"Yes, she's perfectly fine." You know, apart from a traumatic event that will probably scar her for the rest of her life, I mumble in my mind.

He smiles, obviously not able to hear my thoughts. "That's good," he replies. He takes my hand, and I have a strong urge to pull away. "I missed you."

"I told you that I don't want to talk to you," I murmur. "I thought I made it very clear."

"Well, yes, but I'm definitely looking for a queen before I am coronated in less than a day." Archer looks me in the eye solemnly. "I regret what I said, and I never meant for it to come out that way. I would really appreciate it if you considered my offer."

Of course I'm going to consider it, you're the fucking prince, my mind screams, but of course I do not say it aloud. "I.. I should go," I mutter, pulling my hand away gently before bowing my head slightly and walking away.

On my way back to my quarters, I hear quiet giggles from Isla's room. It's probably Piper in there with her, gossiping about boys, but I can't be sure.

The door is conveniently cracked open ever so slightly, and I peek right in. The princess and her best friend definitely would not be gossiping about boys, now that I see what I see.

Lips locked, arms pulling each other into an embrace, raven feathers falling in front of the bright amber fire.

The two of them are clothed, which is a relief to me. As I back away in shock, I accidentally hit the wall with my elbow.

Shit. I speed down the corridor quickly, hiding behind a wall. Isla pokes her head through only a split second later, looking around.

"No one's here," I hear Piper reassure, before the princess is pulled right back into her room and the door is shut completely, and I hear more giggles. I breathe out in relief and start walking to my room, heart pounding.

 I breathe out in relief and start walking to my room, heart pounding

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New cover! This one may finally stick, and we won't have to change the cover again and again and again.

What do you think of Isla and Piper's relationship? Cute? Shocking? Let us know!

~ Zalie :3

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