Chapter Seven

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Courtney's POV

Finally feeling safe, I remove the hood that conceals my face from the world. A sigh of relief escapes my lips as I close the door behind me.

"Well, aren't you late," a snarky voice remarks. My head turns to see a girl around my age sitting in her bed, her auburn hair slightly messy. Cerise, right?

"Good to see you too, Cerise," I respond, sitting on the bed. It's a bit harder than my own back at the palace, but I'll manage.

"It's nearly six in the morning. What are you doing here so late?" she inquires nosily.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

She smirks. "Boys again? Careful, whore. Don't want another eleventh grade incident, do we?"

I roll my eyes, trying to keep my cool even if I don't know what she's talking about. One of the things Evelyn had stressed the importance of was not bursting out at her roommate, who was basically a total bitch. Apparently, it'll make Cerise stop bothering her over time, but I honestly can't see it happening.

"Fine then. I'm going to take a shower. May I use your shampoo again? It makes my hair nice and shiny." She looks over at me for a reaction, but I've pulled out my phone, using that as a method of avoidance. "Whatever," she grumbles, walking out of the room.

I scroll through my contacts, huffing over why I have so many. If I were allowed to delete some, most of these would be gone in an instant. But no, my parents want me to keep the numbers of foreign members of royalty, dukes, duchesses etcetera just in case we ever need anything.

Seeing Jordan's name makes me smile to myself. And before I know it, he's picked up my call. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's me," I reply, clambering onto Evelyn's bed. The smell of vanilla fills my nostrils when my head makes contact with her pillow.

"Are you okay? You sound different."

"I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I ask, resisting the urge to spill.

"Okay... Well, I miss you. Sorry that I keep disappearing."

"It's okay, it's not your fault." I bite my lip. "How's your dad? Is he alright?"

"Yeah, yeah he's fine. He's still in a coma though. The doctors say he'll wake up in a couple of days."

I smile. "That's good to hear."

"Indeed." I hear a woman's voice in the distance. "My mom needs me. I'll speak to you another time, Court."

"See you. Oh, and could you call me back as soon as possible? There's something really important I have to tell you."

"Of course. Goodbye, princess." Jordan hangs up, and I sigh. Placing my phone on the bedside table, I turn to lie on my back.

For the next twenty minutes or so, I think about Jordan. I think about me. I think about us and what we could be if my position were different.

Me as a Maize. Free to do as I choose. Growing up in the same caste as him.

But would we have met?

We would have crossed paths. But the likelihood of us ever having a conversation, or even taking a liking to each other, would be much smaller.

So should I be grateful for having met him in this way?

No. Certainly not. The fact that he's three castes below me, and my tutor, fixes the idea of us never being able to work out in our heads. Sure, I adore him. And I know he adores me. But as a lover or a brother, I will never know.

Sure, we've kissed more times than I'd like to admit. But they were all empty acts of love, never meaning anything to either of us. 

I groan and stuff my face in the pillow. Why do I have to keep thinking about him?

When I finally sit up properly, I see a girl in the doorway. Her dark brown hair is piled on top of her head in a bun, a silver necklace around her pretty neck. An R hangs off the chain, and I recognize her as Rianna. 

"Lillie's not in here, huh." She sits on my bed. "What a surprise."

I bite on my bottom lip, choosing to say nothing. Evelyn warned me of her tendency to lash out at people, even if they haven't really done anything. 

"That's not why I came in anyway. I need to tell you something. Promise you won't tell anyone else, not even Lillie." Her chestnut brown eyes look into mine solemnly, and I can only nod. "Well.. um.." She looks away hesitantly. 

"Well..?" I say carefully, trying to help her. 

"Tyler.. He hits me. Abuses me, basically."

I widen my eyes, letting out a gasp. "An! Why are you still with him then?"

"If I break up with him or tell someone, I'm scared something worse will happen to me."

I may not actually be her best friend, but I know how to act like one. I take her shaking hands in mine, feeling the warmth. "If you tell someone, we can get him arrested. He has no right to treat you like this, and it's a crime as well."

"I'm just so confused." I hear a sniffle from her, and when she looks back up at me, her eyes are glossy with tears. "I haven't done anything bad. I've tried to be the best girlfriend as I possibly can. He started hurting me when the school year started. That's why I've been so moody." She wraps her arms around me in a tight hug. "And I'm so sorry for being a bitch and keeping this from you."

I hug Rianna back just as tightly. "It's quite alright. I understand." I realize my mistake immediately, but I assume that she's too sad to notice my extremely formal language. "Would you like to go and get some ice cream before class starts? My treat."

She wipes away her tears and smiles gratefully. "Yeah, please. Thanks Ev."

"Any time." I stand up and extend my arm towards her, and she takes my hand in response. After class, I'm telling Evelyn. She needs to know about her best friend. 


Ayeeee an update ahah <3 We apologize if this story is getting really confusing, if there's anything you're unclear of, comment it below :D

- Zalie :3

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