Chapter Sixteen

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Evelyn's POV

Someone pushes me to the side as one of the ninja-looking people lands on the floor next to me. "Come on!" they yell, pulling me away.

The screams of innocent people hurt my ears and my heart. "Where are we going?" I yell back at them, my heels not ideal for running.

"Somewhere safe," comes the loud response.

I involuntarily run with the stranger. Their hair is a sandy blonde, their eyes a... blue?

We end up in my, Courtney's, room. They pull off their mask, and I widen my eyes a little.

"Archer, hey."

He tilts his head to the side, confused. "Wait, who are you?"

I bite my lip and pull off my own mask.

"Wait what? I thought you were one of those models from Emerald."

A light flush spreads over my cheeks. "And why is that?"

"Your hair.. it's darker." He points to my hair, and I gasp and pull it out of its bun. He's right; the hairdye has washed off.

"Shit, shit, shit." I run my fingers through my hair hastily. It must have happened when Reyna washed my hair last night. Hair gets darker when it's wet.

That must be why she hadn't noticed.

"Um, are you alright?" he asks hastily.

"There's something I need to tell you... I'm not-"

The door thumps against its hinges, and I gasp.

"If you don't let us in within the next ten seconds, we will force our way in! And believe me, it won't be pretty," commands a deep voice.

"Go, now!" Archer gestures to the closet, pushing me inside.

"How about you?!" I whisper-scream back, but he shakes his head.

"I'm fine. Go!"

"Seven! Six!"

I run towards him and kiss him passionately before going back into the closet, locking it from the inside. I try to steady my heavy breathing as the intruder yells, "One!"

The sound of the door shaking violently makes my heart beat faster and faster, and soon enough, I hear it come crashing off the frame.

"Where are you hiding her?!" someone barks, different to the voice from before.

"I'm not, I swear!" comes Archer's frightened response, and for once in my life, I hear his voice crack.


I let out a silent scream after the gunshot is fired, hanging in the air like a ghost. Tears start to form in my eyes, and I slide down to the floor against the wall in shock.

And against my will, I let out a sob.

"There's someone in here!" someone exclaims, bashing on the door.

I don't bother keeping it locked, but let my sadness come out in louder wails. There's no point in hiding anymore.

The closet bursts open, and I'm faced with a group of three figures, glaring down at me. "You two grab her, I'll get the boy," instructs the one in front.

"No, leave me alone!" I protest, squirming in my captors' grasp, but all that does is make them tighten their grip. On my way out of the room, I see the other Falconrose ninja, a female, dragging Archer's limp body in front of us, and that just makes me cry harder.

"What the hell did you do to him?!" I scream.

"Ugh, shut her up," snaps the one with Archer in tow.

And then the punch.

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