Chapter Twenty Three

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Courtney's POV

Three weeks later...

"Have you packed everything you need?" My mother sits on my suitcase as I zip it closed.

"Yes, except for my morals." I look her dead straight in the eyes. "Why are you making me do this? I don't want to marry a man who I've only seen in person once, nonetheless never talked to."

She sighs quietly. "Newglade and Foxien have been in conflict for too long. We're making preparations for your sister to marry into Falconrose as well."

"What about Archer? Are you going to send some poor fifteen year old girl to marry him too?" I snap.

"He will be king in a manner of days," she retorts firmly, slamming her hand down on the mattress, scaring me. "Your brother will make the right decision as to whom he marries, for the wellbeing of the province. It will probably have to be Iceglow or Nyxfield; we don't have many ties with th-"

"Mother, I'm serious!" I glare at her. "I'm sorry if I'm sounding like a spoiled little brat, but this is delirious."

"Enough, Courtney." She hops off of my main suitcase, walking across the room and past my other suitcases. "If I have to decide between keeping the province safe and your happiness, well, I'm sorry, but you know what my decision is. This place is our home, our priority. I cannot endanger Foxien for the sake of what you want." And with that, she leaves the room, slamming the door behind her.

My eyes well up with tears as I sit on my bed, feeling hopeless. My heart pounds against my chest, my hands shaking ever so slightly.

I open up my HoverScreen and look up "Prince Nolan Payne". He's grown quite a bit since I last saw him. Then again, that was about four years ago.

His sandy blonde hair, his chiseled features; I would think him to be Newglade's equivalent of my stepbrother.

Oh right, that little prick. I'll even miss him.

"Knock knock, Your Highness. Or should I say, Your Majesty." I turn to the door and see Archer. Speak of the Devil.

"Don't remind me. It's bad enough as it is." I close my HoverScreen.

"Seeing as though all three of us are going to be in arranged marriages, I just hope the princess who marries me isn't upset about it." Archer sighs out quietly. "Your mother is already in the process of writing to Nyxfield for Princess Ella-Rose's hand in marriage." He looks down a little. "Do you think I'll make a bad husband?"

I place a hand on his shoulder, smiling with reassurance. "You're a great person, Arch. You won't disappoint your future wife, whoever it may be."

"I'm really going to miss you, Courtney." He wraps his arms around me. "Please take care."

"I will, I always do." I pull away slowly. "I'm saving my tears for the speech, Archer. Let's get going."


"Eighteen years, as of midnight. Eighteen years since I've been born." I straighten my back a little. "Life wasn't easy on me; it hasn't been for anyone. But everyone has that one little thing that keeps them going, and my little thing is Foxien, my home."

"Ever since the war ended, I've been taught to love this province and everything about it; its inhabitants, its structures, its landscapes. It would make me a great queen. However, after the royal family of Everfair joined our own seven years ago, I scrapped that dream. I became distant. And I really wish I hadn't because there is so much to love here."

"Along my path to adulthood, I have had so many supporters. I will start with my stepsiblings." I look towards Archer and Isla, who are both smiling gently. "Although I hated you at first, I grew to love you. Thank you for trusting in me with your secrets and concerns, and thank you for lifting my spirits when needed. You are truly the best siblings in the world."

"Next, my tutor." Jordan sits in the front row, looking up at me, and this is when I start tearing up ever so slightly. "Thank you for providing me with all the information I have and shaping me into the woman I am today. I have made so much progress in life because of you." My eyes are fixed on his for a while before I turn back to the general crowd.

"My stepfather, Alastair. Not unlike my stepsiblings, I disliked him before I got to know him. Even if he may be strict at times, he is a great king, and for the past seven years, made every single one of you happy. Then, my beloved mother, Marissa. Kind, strong, and growing more beautiful every day; she is a great ruler of this province. I honestly couldn't ask for better parents."

"Last, but not least," I turn to glance at Evelyn, who widens her eyes. "Evelyn Mare, from Emerald. A couple of weeks ago, she was simply an aspiring model. Now? She is my hero. I think, we can come clean." I look towards Mother, and she nods approvingly. "For about a week, Evelyn and I have traded places in order to keep the Terram Topaz, and me, safe. She willingly risked her life to help me, and although we both almost died, she stuck with our family and I can't thank her enough for everything she's done." My voice cracks with emotions. "I love you, Ev, and I know it's only been approximately a week but you are one of the closest friends I've ever had."

The blonde is also crying, smiling up at me.

"Thank you, Foxien, for accepting and cherishing me as your princess. Prince Archer will make a perfect king, and Princess Isla will do us proud, without doubt." I gently dab my tears with my finger. "I hope to return soon." And with that, I step off of the podium, rushing to hug the nearest person; Isla.

"Thank you for keeping all of my secrets," she whispers into my ear, and I nod quickly.

"It's the least I could do." I pull away and smile faintly before turning to Archer.

"I'll really miss annoying the shit out o-" I cut him off with a tight hug.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too, Court." He looks me in the eyes. "If anything at all goes wrong, you know how to contact me," he says solemnly.

"Thank you." Before I can escape Archer's embrace, Evelyn quickly joins in, causing my stepbrother to leave.

"I'll miss you so much, Court. Even if it's only been a little time spent together." I feel one of her tears on my collarbone, and I smile a little.

"Take good care of Rianna. She needs you now more than ever."

"Of course I will." Evelyn hugs me one last time before leaving.

My stepfather and mother hug me together, and I rest my chin between their shoulders.

"Take care, darling," my mother murmurs, stroking my hair.

I nod slowly. "I'm sorry for being such a burden. I know the province comes first."

"Honestly, if it could be any different, we wouldn't do this." My mother kisses the top of my head. "You've been so strong. We are very proud of you."

I smile brightly before running into Jordan's arms, kissing him passionately. "I'll miss you so much, baby," he whispers.

"I don't want to do this," I sob hoarsely.

"I know, but you're so brave and brilliant and beautiful. You can do it." Jordan smiles gently, wiping my tears with his thumbs.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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