Chapter Thirty Seven

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Evelyn's POV

It's been a week since Archer spent the night in my bed, and since then I've been meeting him again and again. To most others, he has changed from a carefree prince with no sense of responsibility to a polite king who often comes across as firm, but to me, he's still the same Archer as before, only under more stress.

The two of us interact no differently, other than the occasional kisses and cuddles. Courtney's been giving Archer strange looks too; not upset looks or anything, but smirks and such. Finally, I just decide to ask her.

"Hey, Court," I greet, plopping down next to her. To the princesses' requests, I've been moved from Isla's management to Courtney's, since she wants to be closer to me.

She slips her velvet bookmark into the pages and glances up at me with an equally cheery expression, but something behind her twinkling blue-grey eyes tells me that she's hiding something. "Hey, Ev. What's up?"

I smooth the dark skirts of my dress down, pausing before I speak. "What's up with you? I've noticed that you've been acting really strange lately." Not true; I haven't noticed that much. I just want to get it out of her.

Courtney, however, doesn't want to play along. She blinks at me with an obviously false innocence. "What do you mean? I'm fine."

Sighing out, I nod. "Okay, well, I guess I'll ask Archer or Jordan then." It has to be something to do with one of those two, right?

And, just as I'd suspected, she grabs my hand. "No, wait. I'll tell you." 

I have to hold back a smirk of satisfaction as I adjust my sitting position. "Okay, go on."

"Well..." She fidgets in her seat as if debating where to start, or even if she should say anything at all. "It's a little complicated," she begins.

"Whatever it is, I'll understand completely." I take her hand reassuringly, sending her a small smile. I now genuinely care about what's going on with Courtney.

Suddenly, I hear laughs outside of her room, and when I look towards the doorway, Rianna and Lillie are standing outside, in their own mini conversation. "Shut the door, please," the princess requests in almost complete silence, and I nod obediently, walking over to the girls. 

"The princess needs to rest, so if you two could go somewhere else then it would be greatly appreciated," I murmur, biting my bottom lip. It's a shame, to send away friends, but what Her Highness wants, Her Highness gets.

"Ugh," An snaps, rolling her eyes but overall obeying. Her cheeks are tinged with a light pink colour, a small, yet goofy grin plastered on her face. Lillie is also in this state, and based on what I know, they're both drunk off their asses.

"You two should get some rest," I suggest calmly, but this time, it is Li who answers me.

"Okay. Come on, let's leave Evelyn and her new bestie alone," she snorts, and I blink in pure shock. It would usually be Rianna to say these things, but before I can reply, they leave. 

Rolling my eyes, I close and lock the door before going back to Courtney, assuming the same position as I'd been in before. "It's alright, Court. I won't tell anyone, promise."

Now it's her turn to sigh. "Fine. You know the morning you came knocking at my door and Jordan was lying in bed?"

I stifle a giggle. "Yeah, but if that's your big news, then, sorry to spoil the surprise, I already know what you two did."

Courtney, however, doesn't share a sense of humour in the situation. "I kind of..."

"Kind of?"

"Got pregnant."

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