Chapter Forty Two

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Courtney's POV


Groaning quietly, I keep my eyes closed, not bothered to see who it is. But I recognize her voice.

"Are you awake?" Isla asks me quietly, placing a hand on my own.

I move my hand slightly to ensure that I'm okay, before opening my eyes completely. "I'm good."

She sends me a small smile. "How are you doing?"

"Fine, uh, how long have I been here?"

Isla now avoids my gaze. "Three days. Doctors say you haven't opened your eyes prior to today, whether you're awake or not." I attempt to sit up, but she shakes her head. "You need rest."

"I'm okay." It then comes to me what happened before I went unconscious. "Wait, where are Archer and Evelyn?"

"Both came to see you before I did. And speaking of our dear old brother..." She still doesn't make eye contact. "He says that, as your sovereign, he's putting more restrictions on your freedom."

Sitting straight up, the words tumble out of my mouth before I can even think about it. "I heard Archer talking to me about it whilst I was half asleep. But more restrictions?! I know he's the king, but can't he at least have a heart, unlike our father? I am not going to be trapped in this place until I am fifty. I want friends. I want a husband. I want a child. I want a chance at truly living life. And if he thinks he can take those things away from me, then he should shove his delirious thoughts up his ass!" Breathing out, I feel my eyes sting with the tears that don't dare to come out. Not with Isla around. "I'm sorry..."

Isla sighs. "It's okay. I know it's hard. But I'll be here for you. So will Evelyn."

I shake my head quickly. "No. Evelyn and her friends are being sent back to the academy. I already filed their transfer last week. They need to focus on their studies instead of waiting on our every command."

"I understand. But did you think of who was going to take care of you?"

"I-I assumed Jordan would be staying." I fold my arms over my chest protectively. "But now he's gone. And he's left a fucking baby in my stomach."

My stepsister tenses up. "About that..." She sits down on the bed tentatively, biting her lip. "It's about the baby, Court."

Frowning, I reply, "Why? What happened to it?"

She stays silent at first, just placing her hand on my stomach. However, I jerk away immediately. 

"No, what happened?"

Isla's eyes meet mine, and I see that they are glossed over, as though tear-filled. "I'm so sorry."

With realization, I stare down at my stomach, eyes wide open. I knew something bad would happen sometime during the nine months. Maybe dying in childbirth. 

Just not so soon. 

"What did the doctors say?" I demand harshly, refusing to allow my tears to fall. 

"You were bleeding a lot when Evelyn and Archer found you, and if they hadn't, you would have probably bled to death. They also said that you need to abstain from sexual activity for a few weeks," Isla replies simply. 

I let out a snort. "Not that I'll have the chance anyway. With all the things Archer's banning me from doing, I doubt I'll have any privacy."

"Don't think like tha-"

"Stop making it seem like it's going to be better, Isla, because it won't!" I burst. "The only loss you've experienced is the death of your mother, who, if I recall, was horrible to you and Archer. Don't try to reassure me if you can't even begin to understand how I feel!"

"Piper is dead!" she screams suddenly, causing my cheeks to pale. "She died in the attack from Newglade, and I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want anyone to pity me. But Piper died trying to save me, and that's what made the loss so great. Your pathetic boyfriend simply left, and your baby had barely developed. You should be glad that's all that happened, you ungrateful bitch!"

I want to reassure her instead, but my instict tells me to fight back. "Believe me, I wish that was all that happened. Or do you not remember what happened when I got shipped off to marry Nolan? Or Evelyn and I being kidnapped for a petty jewel? Or everything else that I've been through?"

Staring into each other's eyes momentarily, I feel the tears pricking at my eyes once more, and, before we know it, we've both burst into tears.

"I'm sorry," I whisper hoarsely, wrapping my arms around my stepsister.

"Don't be," she sobs back, closing her eyes tightly.

I attempt to calm myself down before responding. "Why do shitty things always happen to us? What have we done to make life hate us so much?"

Isla shrugs, sniffing. "Well our lives couldn't possibly get any worse than this."

"Maybe we should change our appearances, get new identities, run away to Centrum and get married," I joke, and luckily, Isla doesn't take it seriously, evident in the giggle she lets out.

"Good idea, but it would never work anyway." The two of us breathe out slowly, and now we've both calmed down.

I allow my head to sink back into the pillow, controlling my breathing. "What now?"

"Now?" Isla rests her hands in her lap, smoothing down the skirts of her dark purple gown. "Now we just stay in Foxien until we get married off."

"Fun," I snort mockingly, rolling my eyes. "Well, if I'm gonna do that, them at least I can do it with you."

She sends me a tiny, reassuring smile. "I love you. I know I don't say it that often, with us fighting all the time and all, but I really do. You're the only person in here who seems to get me the most."

Smiling back, I respond calmly with, "I love you too, Isla. Forever and always."

Just then, the curtains open, and in walks Archer. "Hey, um, I need to talk to Isla for a few minutes?"

"Whatever you've got to say, you can say it to the both of us," she mutters, and he sighs in exasperation.

"Fine. Our father wants you to rule Everfair. Things have been going on since we left, and he says they really need a proper monarch as opposed to a government."

Isla and I exchange looks before looking back at Archer. "When does he need me to return?"

"As soon as possible, but within the month," he replies solemnly.

Straightening her back, she says with confidence, "Tell him that I'd like to stay and take care of Courtney for a week."

Nodding slowly, Archer shoots a half smile at me before leaving. We stay there in silence for a while before I pipe up.

"You didn't have to do that."

"I wanted to." She sighs out. "I don't want you to be all alone here, only in the company of two guards who I'm sure you're going to fuck anyway."

"Hey!" I giggle, pushing her arm playfully. "I'm not that type of girl. But yes, I will enjoy your company as much as theirs. At least there's someone to talk to when you leave."

She pats my blonde head lovingly. "That's more like it. Oh, while I'm here..." Pulling out a folded up piece of paper from the inside of her dress, she continues, "I found this in Daniel's temporary lodgings while we were tidying it up. Thought you might want it."

Thanking her with a nod, I slowly unfold it, scanning my eyes over the curled handwriting and smiling brighter with every word. 

And at the end, I let out a quiet gasp. 

"Do you have it with you?" I breathe, looking up at Isla, who nods and opens up her palm. 

We keep each other's gazes for a while, before I crack into a smile. 

"Tell him I say yes."


This is literally the second-last chapter omggg

~ Zalie :3

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