Chapter Twenty Six

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Evelyn's POV

"Are you two even paying attention?" Lillie hisses towards Rianna and I.

"Of course not," I murmur back, switching my colour pencil to a darker shade. "I'm making a pastel pink aesthetic." I know, kind of weird, but pastel colours make my little heart soar.

"Isn't it easier to make those digitally?" An asks, not looking up from her phone as Jordan continues, his back facing towards us.

"Yes, but I'm bored, so this is it," I state simply.

"Will you three please stop chattering and pay attention?" Jordan snaps, glaring pointedly at each of us. I jump at his sudden burst and close my sketchpad. "You need to know this if you are to remain here at the palace, even if you simply are just maids."

"Sorry, Mister Hastings." Lillie glares at us pointedly before returning to her notes.

"He's been so mopey ever since the princess left," Rianna whispers in my ear.

Yeah, because he loved her, I think bitterly. He still does. I smile sadly at my best friend before looking back at the board.

"You will need to learn the caste system, first of all. You may think that you know all about it, but only those in the castle have access to all this information." He turns off the lights and switches on the HoverScreen.

"As you know, there are seven castes; Amethyst, Lapis, Emerald, Maize, Amber, Carmine and Smoke, each represented by a different colour. The castes are divided into wealth, and all reside in their own region. Can anyone tell me what the nearest casteland to Amethyst is?" Jordan asks, looking around the class.

Of course, Li is the first to answer. "Well, it would either be Maize or Amber," she replies. "It depends where in Amethyst you're standing."

"Correct, Ms. Khan. Now, let's see if you know where each profession belongs." He flips the slide and gestures to a construction worker on the HoverScreen. "Anyone?"

"Carmine; the working class," I pipe up immediately, and he nods.

"Quick answer there. And this?" The next slide is a picture of a man driving a cab.

"Amber; lower middle class."

"Yes, Miss Khan. You need to catch up Miss James." Jordan looks pointedly at Rianna, who frowns. "Okay, last one."

The picture changes to Jordan's. He's in the very classroom we sit in, only instead of three pupils, there is one; Courtney. Studying his face, I can see what she fell in love with. His doe brown eyes, his everyday constant smirk, his formal yet casual stance.

"Maize, of course. The middle class." Rianna finally says something, breaking my bubble of thoughts.

"Thank you, Miss James." He closes the HoverScreen. "That's all for today's lesson, I'm afraid. You're free to go."

We pack up, but before I leave, Jordan calls me over. I motion for my friends to go ahead before walking over to him. "You wanted to see me?"

"Have you spoken to Courtney at all since she said she arrived at the palace at Newglade?"

I frown, shaking my head. "Can't say I have.. Why?"

"She hasn't returned any of my calls or texts. I'm just worried that something's happened to her..."

I give him a small and comforting smile. "Don't worry. She's probably busy sorting out her things and adjusting to the environment. She'll get back to us soon enough."

Jordan doesn't look at me, closing his eyes and facing the top of his desk. "I hope so. Tell me if she says anything?"

"Of course," I reply. "Have a good day, Mister Hastings." I smile at him a little before leaving the classroom.


"Ev!" Lillie runs towards me, smiling brightly.

"What's up? You seem happy." I notice her unusually positive attitude.

"Well, Rianna told Archer about Tyler yesterday and, well.. just come!" She takes me by the wrist and pulls me towards the courtroom in the palace. Two guards let us in, and we silently observe what's going on.

An sits there in silence, her back faced towards us. I see her parents in the row behind her, looking afraid for their daughter. Her mother sits there shaking, trying her very best not to burst into tears, and her father is practically fuming, his eyes cast in a glare towards... Tyler.

His messy blonde hair and grey eyes are a little unfamiliar to me, as I haven't seen him in months. It's the first time I've seen him genuinely frightened, let alone upset.

The judge stands up slowly. "The jury finds the defendant.. guilty of all charges."

Rianna almost bursts into tears of happiness, smiling brightly. I gasp and smile with her, and Li hugs me tightly.

After the room clears out, I run towards our friend and wrap my arms around her. "Oh God, I'm so happy for you!" I gush.

"Me too. He's been doing this for such a long time and I just, I just couldn't handle it."

I smile, nodding. "I understand. You're really brave, An. Now, let's go thank the prince." I drag her towards Archer, avoiding eye contact with him.

Archer bows and takes Rianna's hand, kissing it softly. "How are you, Miss James?"

"I'm perfect, Your Highness." She smiles gratefully at him. "Thank you so much for doing this... You really didn't have to."

"Of course I did. I need to protect and love my people if I'm to be king soon." Archer nods and smiles at us.

"I'm sure you're going to do an excellent job, Your Highness," my friend replies politely.

Archer raises an eyebrow. "Please, call me Archer if I am allowed to call you Rianna." There's a small glint of interest in his eyes; the same interest he used to have while looking at me...

"Certainly, Your- Archer." An tugs on my arm, taking me out of my daze. "Well, we'd better be on our way back to the academy. There's some homework that needs doing."

"Of course. I'll see you around, Rianna." Archer kisses her hand once more before walking off.

I suddenly can't help but feel, what do you call it, envious? That's crazy. I haven't felt envious in my entire life.

But something about the way Archer and Rianna look at each other, how carefree he is with her... it just gets to me.

I sigh out in utter confusion and start walking after my friend. 


Sorry for our really bad updating schedule! I know we're a few days late :(

Soooo, hit 800 reads! We didn't even know people still read this 😂 Anyway, thank you so much for those of you who have added this to your library and are reading this, even if you don't vote or comment, we love you alllll <3

How about, when get to 1000, we'll let you comment plot twists and we'll pick the best one to write into our story?

Also, new cover :) We really love it tbh!

~ Zalie :3

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