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Hey <3 It's Zan and Alie :D

Okay here is our first work since our short break! It's called Switch, and we're pretty proud of our storyline and how everything will go.


This piece of work contains makeout scenes, brief mentions of suicide (nobody dies from it though) and a bit of abuse, but nothing will be described too explicitly. Anything like sex will be left to your imagination ;)

Oh, and there's also a "teacher-student" relationship, so if you're not comfortable with that then this really really isn't the book for you

Cast-wise, please ignore it. We'll take it off sooner or later but just know that it's not accurate.

Anyway, enjoy our story and we hope that you'll be with us every step of the way :D We love you all and remember to add this story to your library if you would like to be notified when we update :)

~ Zalie <3

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