Chapter Ten

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Evelyn's POV

"I think I did well. I mean, your professor didn't yell or anything."

"That's good," I reply, exhaling with relief. "Is Rianna yelling at you like she does to me?"

"No, actually.." Courtney trails off.

"Is something wrong? What happened?"

"Well.. It turns out her boyfriend's an abusive creep."


"I know. She spilled it out the day before and I was just so shocked. She says that's why she's always in a bad mood."

"Makes sense." I bite my lip uneasily. "I'm just really worried about her."

"After all this is over, you can talk to her. Promise."

"Hope it's soon. I can't stand this royal life! No offense," I quickly add, and she laughs softly.

"Not a problem. I get what you mean; it can be a pain sometimes."

"Especially your stepsister. I mean, she's always keeping secrets and being a bitch." I decide to express my opinions freely, and luckily, Courtney doesn't have an issue with that.

"I agree 100%. Her birthday's coming up soon though, on Monday. There's probably going to be this huge celebration of some sort that will involve people from all over the kingdom, and possibly all over Terram." She pauses for a little. "Wait, you can make sure I get to come! I'm sure my mother wouldn't mind."

I smile. "Awesome idea."

"Thanks. My mother says she's coming to check on you soon. Expect her in the next fifteen minutes."

"Okay, thanks for letting me know," I respond.

"Well, gotta dash. Cerise is going to yell at me if I don't clean up the stuff I spilled. Bye!" Courtney hangs up, and I attach my phone to its charger.

I hear a knock at the door, and I rush to open it. "Hello, Moth-" I pause. "Archer?"

"Hey." He looks around. "Were you expecting your mother?"

"Uh, yeah." I bite my lip nervously. "What brings you here?"

"I need to speak to you. About the other day."

"What other day?" I say with believable innocence.

Archer nods. "Yeah, exactly. What other day. It never happened."

I nod with him. "Is that all you're here for?"

"Yeah. Well, I'm going to go get some rest. I had a long day today." He smiles at me a little awkwardly before walking away.

I let out a sigh. It's not going to be forever, Evelyn, I try to keep reminding myself. Don't worry.


Okay, 400 words isn't as short as we thought it'd be...

Anyway, Courtney's finally going to escape EFA next chapter :D  We've got something interesting in store for you next chapter.

Stay tuned! Ly <3

- Zalie :3

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