Chapter Seventeen

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Courtney's POV

I watch Evelyn get pulled away by a stranger, breathing out a sigh of relief. At least she's alright.

Looking around slowly for any Falconrose assassins, I slip into the shadows. Well, not literally. More like a secret passageway I discovered once upon a time whilst exploring the palace.

I hug my arms close to my body as I walk down the stairs and down the freezing tunnel. I can hear screams above me. My people's screams. My family's screams. Believe me; I would've brought them down here too. But I just couldn't recognize anyone fast enough to yank them aside.

As I turn a corner, I bump into someone wearing dark clothing. I let out a scream and push them away immediately.

"Jesus Christ!" they yell out.

I bite my bottom lip gently and walk towards them cautiously. "What is your name?" I ask as regally as possible.

They remove their mask, and I am faced with a face which makes me feel uncomfortable even by just looking at it, because, well, it's pretty hot.

"Prince Daniel Reese of Newglade." I now recognize the accent. He scans me up and down a little, and I can't help but wrap my arms around my stomach self-consciously. "And you?"

"Princess Courtney Baxter of Foxien." I look around, trying not to make direct eye contact with him. "Are you Prince Nolan's brother?"

He lets out a light chuckle, shaking his head. "I'm his stepbrother, actually. You're the princess who's going to marry him, aren't you?"

I nod slowly, deciding to walk and talk.

"Funny. I didn't think he'd manage to obtain somebody this beautiful."

A blush creeps onto my face. "Well, I am betrothed to him, he didn't necessarily pick me. If he had the choice, I'm sure he wouldn't have," I protest.

"Au contraire. You seem to possess all the attributes that a queen should have; beauty, modesty, bravery, honesty." He flashes me a small grin.

"I guess." The distant pitter patter of feet stop our conversation. "What was that?"

"I don't know." Daniel draws his sword from its sheath, protectively standing in front of me. My knight in shining armour, I think, blushing harder.

The two of us walk forwards slowly.

"May I ask you a question?" I request.

"Be my guest."

"Why are you.. flirting with me, forgive my forwardness."

"Forgiven." We turn left. "Does it really seem that way? I've been asked that question quite a bit."

"Yeah, it does." I look to the side shyly.

"Well, I apologize. I have been known by the people in my kingdom for being very kind, not to boast."

I nod a little. "Makes sense now, thank you."

"Of course, your Highness."

I smile gently and stand a little bit closer to him, instantly feeling more comfortable.

We soon approach a fork, one path leading to the left and one to the right.

"Together or separate?" Daniel asks me, gesturing to the fork in the path.

Before I can answer, someone grabs me from behind. I let out a scream, which is quickly muffled by a glove.

Daniel jabs his sword at my unknown attacker, but always has to pull back immediately, since they pull me in front of them to protect them from the sword. They're using me as a shield.

I start tearing up with fear, trying to pull their hands away, but all it does is make their grip tighter.

"We'll take the girl and leave you alone, boy," snarls my attacker.

"My duty is to protect her. I'm not leaving," Daniel snaps back. As he says this, another dark figure creeps up behind him, a shotgun in his gloved hand.

I manage to free my mouth. "Look out!" I scream.

He turns around, and is immediately faced with a bullet to the knee. It doesn't kill him, but it's enough to immobilize him long enough for them to get away.

With me in tow.


It's been ages since we've last updated omg how are you guys <3

Remember to comment, vote etc to let us know that people are actually reading this crap, thanks though!

~ Zalie :3

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