Chapter Twenty Four

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Evelyn's POV

Wiping the tiny beads of sweat off my forehead, I watch the egg timer tick by. It's seven o'clock in the morning, and I wanted to make something for the royal family to thank them for helping me and taking care of the province as a whole.

Only five minutes left, I think, smiling to myself.

Suddenly the lights switch off, all but the oven's. "Hello?" I call out, taking out the nearest knife. It's not very sharp, but it'll do.

My steps are as quiet as possible, but I can't say the same for my breathing; ragged and rather loud.

"Show yourself!" I yell, but I soon regret it.

Archer walks out of the shadows, hands up and eyebrow raised. "You were going to stab me? I feel hurt." He pouts jokingly.

I glare pointedly and put the knife back where it belongs. "What are you doing here?"

"I came for a midnight snack."

"It's seven! Your breakfast is at eight thirty," I can't help but snap. 

He raises his hands in defeat, sighing to himself. "Okay fine, I came to see you." He looks in the oven. "So, whatcha working on?"

"A cake, for your family. Only now the surprise has been ruined." I huff out and look pointedly at him. "I don't really want to talk to you."

"Wha- Why not? Have I upset you in some way?"

"No," I reply quickly, realizing that the idea behind it is stupid. I look back at the egg timer. "I'm not obligated to tell you."

"Well, I'm the prince, so-"

"That's right." I turn around sharply. "You're the prince. All the girls in Foxien, hell, maybe in the whole of Terram, fall for you. I finally get a chance to be with you, and I get rejected. I guess it just means you'd much rather date your own stepsister than someone who actually likes you like that."

Archer's eyes are wide open, yet calm. He looks at me solemnly. "Calm down, Evelyn. I'm sorry I made you feel this way."

"No, you're not sorry. You don't care." I turn my gaze away from him once more. "Please just.. leave."

In the reflection of the metal knob on the oven, I see him bow. "My lady," he murmurs slowly before walking out.

I lean against the wall and close my eyes in dismay, sliding down until I'm in a seating position. I hug myself and start crying as the timer goes off in the background.


You yelled at him? Courtney texts from the plane.

Yeah.. sorry, I reply. Once upon a time, using your phone on the plane wasn't permitted. Due to the advance in technology, it's possible to do so now.

It's okay, I'm just glad he didn't get mad. He is being coronated in like a week or less.

I widen my eyes, realizing I'd shouted at a member of royalty. Crap...

It's okay, he's a good person. Nothing will happen to you.

Okay, good. As soon as I send that text, someone knocks on my door. I set down my phone and open it.

A guard stands there, bowing politely. "My lady," he acknowledges.

"Yes, sir?"

"The princess requests an audience with you," he replies, but with his tone, I believe it to be an order rather than a simple request. 

"Yes, of course. Thank you." I type a quick Gotta go bye to Courtney before I follow the guard down the hallway and into the throne room. 

"Ev!" I'm crushed to death by a brunette's hug.

"Oof!" I laugh and pull away, looking into Rianna's eyes. "God, I missed you so much."

"I missed you too. I heard there was cake?" She raises an eyebrow.

I shake my head and smile, hugging Lillie as she rushes towards me. "Yeah but.. There's not enough for the two of you as well."

"Wait what?!"

"Joking." I laugh. "There's plenty to go around."

Isla walks in through the door, a slip of paper in her hand, and we all curtsey. "No need, it isn't me you're paying attention to." She hands me the slip of paper.

I look at her first, not daring to open it. "Are we in trouble?"

She laughs lightly, barely any humour behind it. "On the contrary. Go ahead, open it."

Carefully, I unfold the slip of paper. I see that it's addressed to the three of us;

Dear Evelyn Mare, Rianna James and Lillie Khan,

First and foremost, I would like to thank you for ensuring my safety whilst the switch was going on. I pretty much owe you all my life.

It has come to my attention that your education at the Emerald Fashion Academy is quite short lived, as you have many hours in the day to do as you please. Therefore, I would like you three to join the court as the personal maids of my mother and my stepsister.

It is perfectly okay if you do not want to take upon this offer. Rest assured, though, as I have contacted Dean Austen. She has confirmed that you will be able to alternate, so that every three days you will be attending school.

Please let my stepsister know if you would like to go through with this as soon as possible.

Best of luck,

Princess Courtney Baxter of Foxien

Underneath her name is a purple seal  with Foxien's crest; the unicorn. I know, you would expect it to be at least a wolf, but things happen for a reason. "We found this in her room. It was written about a week ago," Isla explains.

I look at my friends, and we have a silent conversation with our eyes. We give Lillie the role of feeding back to Isla.

"We'd love to, Your Highness."


Omg this is so boring OKAY

Thanks for reading and all <3 Next chapter will be on Courtney in Newglade! There will be a good plot twist so stay tunedddd

~ Zalie :3

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