Chapter Nine

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Courtney's POV

"I'm definitely going to fail your Runway assessment!" I exclaim, letting out a sigh.

"It's basically like your normal princess-y walk, but use your hips more. Watch some videos online if you don't know what I'm talking about."

"Ugh, why do you have to be the best of the best?" I grumble at Evelyn, who laughs in response.

"Have you met Jordan yet?" she asks instead.

"No, but I've talked to him over the phone once. He's doing fine." I sit down on a chair. "How's the life of a princess going?"

"Oh my Gosh, I don't even know how you can stand this! I mean, no offense to you, but the attire isn't exactly comfortable." I hear a sigh. "At least your mom is in on this with us, or else I definitely wouldn't be able to get through more than an hour." 

"Yeah, she's the best. And the clothes are better for me because I've grown up with it. You wear T-shirts and jeans on a daily basis, while it's all dresses for me." 


I look at the calendar. "It's just today and tomorrow that I have to deal with, then I'm going to find Jordan." 

"Good luck. The Runway professor, Professor Delacour, is really strict."

"Aw, that makes me feel so much better," I mutter sarcastically. 

"Relax, he likes me. Even if you fail, he'll probably see it as a one time thing. For most of the others though..." Evelyn tsks. "Be prepared to hear a lot of shouting."

"I'll bring my earmuffs then," I joke, and she laughs again. 

"Gotta dash, it's time for breakfast. Talk to you another time." She hangs up before I can reply, and I sigh, putting my phone away. 


"Excellent, Ms Maxwell!" I hear Professor Delacour say as Cerise walks down the runway. I'm right after her, and I'm extremely nervous. 

She sends me a glare as she returns, and I take a deep breath. "Next! Come on, we're running out of time!" the professor snaps. An ends up having to push me out into the open. 

"Ms Mare! You may begin." The raven-haired beauty sits in her chair, poised and stern. I force down a gulp of distress and start walking down the runway. Luckily, I had Rianna practice with me, in return for me keeping her secret, I guess. Right, I still have to let Evelyn know about what's happening. An's her best friend after all, not mine.

When I get to the front of the runway, I place my hands on my hips and cock them to the right, but not too much so that it looks overdone. I'm pretty sure I failed, but Professor Delacour doesn't make any negative comments. 

"Perfect! Absolutely beautiful, as always!" It gives me a boost of confidence, and on my way back I can't help but smile. At least I haven't brought Evelyn's reputation down. 

Well done for not messing things up once again.


When I get back to the room after dinner with Rianna and Lillie, I see four missed calls from Evelyn. Quickly, I dial back. 

"Hey! Uh, sorry for spamming your phone. There was just something I really needed to get out." She speaks really quickly. 

"Go on," I murmur, grabbing a change of clothes from Evelyn's closet. 

"I made out with Archer."

I drop the shirt in surprise. "You did what?!"

"I'm so sorry!"

"Does he know it's not actually his stepsister?"

"No. Well, I don't think so. He shouldn't." Evelyn's voice is panicky. "I'm really really sorry. He came on to me, I swear."

"It-It's fine." I take a deep breath to calm myself down. "Just make sure it doesn't happen again. And don't let him know that you're not me."

"I promise not to do either of those things," she swears. 

I smirk. "Was he good though?"

"Um..." I hear a embarrassed giggle. "Yeah, I guess so."

"Oh my God. You're in love with him."

"Isn't almost every girl in Foxien and Everfair?" Evelyn counters. 

I let out a sigh. "This is bad."


"Doesn't matter. Don't give into his advances. I swear to God, if he gets you pregnant or someth-"

"Whoa, okay I get it!" she exclaims, and I giggle lightly. 

"In all seriousness, though, be careful."


Like we said, short chapter. Sorryyy! 

We're probably going to do a time jump after the next chapter is over, because we'd quite like to move things along. Do you think the story's dragging on a bit? Be honest, we won't take it personally <3

- Zalie :3

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