Chapter Forty One

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Evelyn's POV

"What's going to happen to her?" Archer asks Doctor Clements as the curtains are drawn around his sister.

"We'll get a female doctor to clean up the blood. Do an ultrasound to see if anything's wrong. Don't worry, Your Majesty, we won't do anything to harm her."

Archer breathes out, curling his fingers around my hand. "Okay. But nobody gets to see her until this young lady here or I, do you understand? Not even my parents."

"Yes, of course." The doctor bows his head quickly before closing the main doors to the infirmary on us.

Letting out a low, irritated growl, Archer starts pacing the halls. "I now see how angry my parents are," he mutters irritably. "It's always men who cause these things. I mean, first Nolan physically, emotionally and mentally scarred her. Then her own tutor got her pregnant, and now she might die from losing a baby she never even wanted!"

"Don't you think you're going a little bit overboard?" I murmur, but he ignores me and continues ranting on.

"From now on, no males will be allowed to attend her except for me, my father and two very trusted guards. She will not be allowed to leave the palace grounds unless accompanied by me."

I place a hand on his arm, pulling him towards me. "It was her lack of freedom which caused these things, not solely being around guys. If your parents had been more lenient on her, then maybe everything would have been better. Don't turn into them. If you really care about her, you wouldn't do this."

"I'm doing this because I love her," he snarls, pulling his arm away and walking away. "Just.. give me some time."

"Of course, Your Majesty," I snap after him mockingly before turning on my heel and storming away, cheeks heating up slightly. I decide to just pay a visit to Rianna and Lillie.

I end up finding the girls in the garden. The former is on her phone, as always, whilst the latter is reading a book. Breathing out, I take a seat besides Lillie.

We sit there in silence for a moment before she reaches over and wraps her arms around me tightly. "We missed you!"

I let out a small laugh. "I really missed you too. I'm so sorry we haven't had the time to hang out as Evanli for a while."

Surprisingly, An is the one to shake her head and smile. "It's okay. But it'd be awesome to catch up now."

"Of course. Well..." I think for a while before continuing. "How's the princess Isla?"

"Great, actually," Li responds, then sighs out in frustration. "Well, she's opening up to us more, but I've never seen her crack a genuine smile."

Because of the attack from Newglade. "I hope she feels better soon, then," I murmur. I decide to leave the topic of Courtney being at the infirmary out; they don't need to know what or who caused it.

The three of us start to strike up a conversation, just talking about whatever floats up to the surface. It's comforting, having them to speak to again. Courtney's life is too stressful and too up-and-down for me to keep up with.

"Hey, why is the king coming towards us?" Rianna gestures towards the path in front of us, and when I look up, I supress the urge to cuss. Aloud.

"Good afternoon, ladies," he greets, purposely avoiding my gaze.

"Your Majesty." We all simultaneously bow our heads, but he just laughs.

"I told you; just Archer is okay." When our heads raise, I can see him glancing at An. "May I speak to you? Alone?" he requests. Just as I threaten to go off at him, he quickly adds "It's about the punishments for your ex." Probably more for my own clarification as opposed to Rianna's.

A little stunned, she sits there for a couple of seconds before nodding. "Yes, of course." Archer holds out his hand, and she takes it gratefully.

The two of them start walking away until they disappear behind a tree.

Sighing softly, I start listening to Lillie, who has just started explaining the book in her hands to me. However, my gaze still focuses on Rianna and Archer. He looks like he's trying to be mature and kind, whilst she's standing in a position I have seen all too many times. And am still wary of.

Finally, when I get bored, I turn my attention back to Li. "Wow, that's really interesting," I hear myself say in one of the most monotone voices I've ever heard.

"I know right? And then Elsie starts trying to find..."

But my eyes have turned back on Rianna and Archer, and just my luck. An's hands are grabbing at his shirt, their lips pressed firmly together as though there was no tomorrow.

"Excuse me for a bit," I whisper to my best friend before rising to my feet. Instead of walking towards them, I start moving away with my bottom lip quiverring.

"What's wrong?" Li calls after me, the worry evident in her voice.

"Oh, nothing. Just tell Rianna to get her tongue out of my fiancé's fucking throat!"


If you saw an incomplete chapter before, just know that we had some technical difficulties. Now it's fine though so yayyyy

~ Zalie :3

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